Saffron Marigold Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed!

Need some new linens for your home?
How about some free linens?
How about a giveaway?


Please allow me to present to you, where they design, manufacture and retail a range of Luxury Bedding and Linens, hand printed, one magnificent inch at a time, using the traditional craft of “wood block printing”.  Here are some of their lovely products:


Saffron Marigold is the brainchild of Anisha Ghosh, our lead artist and designer, who after traveling extensively in India researching various traditional handcrafted textiles and building relationships with artisans, launched Saffron Marigold in 2005. At Saffron Marigold, they mirror the philosophy behind the “slow clothes movement” wherein textiles are created with an eye to safeguarding traditional crafts and the human impact on production rather than mechanized mass production. 

Want to take a look at the handmade process that each piece goes through?  Go here.
Since their launch in 2005, their linens have been very well received both by customers and the media. In addition to receiving a wealth of testimonials from our valued customers, they have been profiled in Better Homes and Gardens, HGTV, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, among others. 
So what can you win?
 1 winner will get the choice of 1 item of any print from these 3 options:
Choose one of these in any print:
To enter simply do one, some or all of the options below.  
Please leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry! (I draw from comments on the blog!)
 Then leave your comments on the blog.
2. Visit the Saffron Marigold Website explore a little, come back and copy a url link to one of their products that you like in a comment.
2. Become a Google Friend Connect follower, or subscriber of Remodelaholic.
4. Write a shout out post, tweet about, or post on your wall about this giveaway, with a link to the giveaway post leave the link url in your comment.
5. Stumble a Remodelaholic post that you like!
You can complete just the first required entry, or all of the entries above. Each step you complete will give you one comment/entry in the giveaway. Please leave a separate comment for each entry on and include your email address for notification purposes, if it is not linked to your profile.
I will pick the winner on Monday March, 7 2011!

Want to buy something now and get a discount?
Saffron Marigold would be happy to offer a 10% discount on orders over $100. The could mention “remodelaholic10%off” or similar in the comments section of your order.
We need a winner don’t you think?
Remember our most recent giveaway?, where they design, manufacture and retail a range of Luxury Bedding and Linens, hand printed, one magnificent inch at a time, using the traditional craft of “wood block printing”.  
Here are some of their lovely products:
Congratulations Becky!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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