Retro Remodel: part 1

I was thinking a while back that I wanted to show you a little of our remodel projects from our first house.  It was our little cottage of love!  Our realtor tried to talk us out of buying it cuz he thought it was too far gone.  Nevertheless, we moved in on our first anniversary, and then the sweat equity truly began.    It was a hundred year old house with great bones, and a lot of scary layers, but peeling them off was a fun exhausting, exasperating, dirty, project. 

Now, please don’t judge me on our furniture, because technically we still have most of our college free furniture and the truth is I like most of it!   But also, I just wasn’t focused on decorating, we were focused on building, and getting our bachelors degrees…

Also, with the retro remodel posts, you won’t have too wait long between projects, (since we remodel at a snails pace ’round here!)

Without further adieu I have a few pics to get y’all excited and I promise the journey is just as fun as the final outcome.  I will try to get at least one Retro Remodel post up a week, so stay tuned!  (and while they are posting we will work on some new projects in our home to show you!)

p.s.  I am a little sad looking through these pics I miss our little house! 

p.s.s. (or is it p.p.s. either way)  We sold the house when we graduated, and got a job across the country, so a few projects weren’t fully complete, I will point them out!

I hope you stay tuned! 
Become a follower, if you want to see the rest (not to mention make me feel so cool!)
 I promise you will love the transformations!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Girl you are GOOD! LOVE what you did with the bathroom! I'm going to sign up to follow your blog now!


    Congrats on winning the necklace too!

  2. >I love this look for bathrooms. So much that I did tall beadboard in my downstairs bath as well! Great job.

  3. >oh my goodness what a gorgeous outcome! i just love what you did with the room…it looks so so so much better. What a vision you had!!

  4. >I loved taking a tour of your house and being completely amazed at the talent one couple could possess. Can't wait to see it all again!

  5. >We left way too soon to see all the transformations so this will be fun to see how it all turned out in the end. Woohoo!

  6. >I'm so excited to see these!! I absolutely love before/after's, and I especially love the before/after's I've seen you do.

    p.s. I saw you were featured on 'amysueiloveyou.' How cool is that!?

  7. >I'm not in too much suspense since I saw the finished product 🙂 You guys did an awesome job on your house – we're doing the same thing right now (minus the creative spark you have!), partly because Rachel saw how yours turned out!

    It's been really fun looking through your blog – I fully intend to use some of your ideas on another house someday 😀

  8. Hello,
    I am newly moved into my first home and I’m trying to make it cozy! I love all of these walls but I have no idea where to start or what I need! Could you give me a step by step of how you did this and what you used with approximately how much money it cost? Your home is beautiful but I’m on a very tight budget with only my hands as tools right now! Please help me

    1. Falynn, I added to the post, a link at the bottom, showing the steps that we took to get the bathroom remodeled. It was a quite a while ago and I don’t know how much we spent, but I think it was over $1000. Bathrooms are expensive if you are dealing with plumbing and electrical. I hope that helps.