Refinished Rolling Office Chair

Refinished Rolling Office Chair
party highlight by Fresh Cut Flours

As you read this I will most likely be busy working on some “Boss’s Day” cookie bouquets. I decided it would be a good time to have you check out my latest ABC Project (Anything but Cookies, for those that don’t know).

On my last “junkin” trip with my daughter Melissa, I spotted this beauty:

Whatcha think? It was a little worse for wear, but I could see it’s potential…in fact, I could see it sitting in front of my sewing machine! I checked the price.

A real “thrifter” probably would have thought it was too much, but I liked it and thought it was totally worth the $14.99! So I loaded up my little Cookie Monster (Taylor) on the chair and wheeled her around for the remainder of the Goodwill shopping trip (it was a sight to see, wish I would have thought to have Melissa take a pic!

So we go to check out, the man kindly asked me if I was a “senior”…now, a few years ago, or even six months ago, this would have really 
 me off made me mad, but the cold hard facts are, I will be just that in about 7 months, so I better start getting used to it! I laughed and KINDLY said no…he proceeded the checkout, looked at the price tag on the chair and said that because it was 1/2 off all “Week 37” tags, my chair was only $7.50. Whoo hoo, an even better deal! I could have kissed the guy!

So, I took my little treasure home and had it disassembled within an hour. Gave it a good wash, and headed to Hobby Lobby for some new fabric. I added a little extra batting to the seat to soften it up a little. I spray painted the chair black like most of the other pieces of furniture in my craft room (the sewing machine cabinet was my Mom’s so I am not making any changes to that). I thought about buying new caster rollers, but I could not find the same size so I just painted them as well. Put it back together and VOILA! 

Anyhoo, here is how it looks sitting in my little sewing corner.

Not bad for a total investment of about $16.00!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >just wondering if you sealed it with anything after painting? I want to do the same with our dining room chairs, you've inspired me!

  2. >I love it! What a great redo! I also love the "Sew What" in the corner. Thanks for sharing.

  3. >So cute. I love how you see potential in everything! I am learning to develop an eye for "remodels". I am pretty crafty, I just need to learn to use my imagination more. Thanks for all the ideas!! And I love it all when its on a budget!

  4. >Great chair! You always make me want to go off and do something remodely. The odd part is that I do these kinds of things because I'm not going to get them otherwise rather than liking the process. I'm about to redo my sewing room. I may have to steal a few ideas from your fabulous sewing den.

    Had to laugh about the "senior moment." I've gotten it a few times now–well deserved– and am torn between thinking, "damn, I look old" and "great, I'm gonna save some money!" The money part always wins;-}