Pretty Dry Erase Board: Guest

Amanda @ The Hand Me Down House found a nice attractive way to leave notes, but not on a white board.

If I could paint a picture for you — you’ll be able to see why this next project was so important to do — well, sort of:  I grab my purse and head out the door to run some errands.  I turn right back around and get my reusable grocery shopping bags.  I get out the door again, and get in the car.  Then back in the house I go because I forgot my shopping list and coupons.  One more time….I leave.  Do you know what I forgot this time?  I needed some water in the car.  Seriously — it is not that rare for me to go in and out of the house two to three times.  It’s just plain sad.

So I saw these really cute whiteboards over at Keeping it Simple (BTW – she has a SUPER fun link party every week too).  Well how perfect would these be??  I could hang it right on the door going to the garage and have a checklist of what I need to bring with me to the store, errands, wherever I’m going!

So last week while I was out thrifting with my Bestie, Becca at One Girl, One Beautiful World I was keeping my eyes peeled for the PERFECT frame that I could makeover.  Well of course I found it — otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this post. 🙂

First step was to disassemble the frame and take out the glass, matting and beautiful flower picture (yikes!!).  I spray-painted the frame black.  Then I covered the back and matting with some fabric I had picked up at Joanne’s.  My fabric was a little on the thin side, so I doubled the fabric when I placed it.

I took my all-powerful hot glue gun and glued my fabric down (I’m sure you could staple it if you wanted to, too).

The only other thing that I did before I put the frame back together was I put two little swirls of store-bought adhesive vinyl on the fabric (that way it’s not going to get in the way of writing on the whiteboard and you can’t accidentally erase them).  See?

I reassembled the frame and glued a ribbon to the back so I could hang it.  

 So since my board is on a door I wanted to really secure it, otherwise it could go flying all over the place when people go in and out of the garage.  I used the 3M Command Hooks to secure the bottom and sides to the door and I also used a Fancy Command Hook I had to hang my ribbon from.  And check out this coupon if you want to get any for yourself!  I think it works pretty well- it hasn’t gone flying off the door….yet.

And that’s it!  Not hard — and I’m really excited to use it (although so far it’s just been used for people to leave me strange messages).   

This is a pretty way to make reminder notes.  

What do you think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I love this idea. I've been looking at whiteboards to post notes for my kids plus chores on, but they're either ugly or really expensive. I want one for each kid (6), so this will be a neat way to do it. Any problems with cleaning it off? Do you use windex or will that make the markers not work as well?