Making My Dining Room Pretty

It has been so long since I shared anything we are working on.  Mostly because it is taking for-ev-er!  I mean, like an eternity to get this house finished.  There are just too many behind the scenes, non-exciting things that have to get done.  Things that you can’t physically see any changes for all the work you’ve done, but maybe you feel a bit warmer or safer or what not- you fill in the blank.

So, today I am going to show you a glimpse into what things are looking like in our dining room.

Sauder Table staging (25a) small

Bear in mind that we are still mid-project.  Meaning technically this is just our old subfloor and we are counting down the days till we can get the floor leveled out and newly subfloored, in order to install our gorgeous new white washed oak flooring!    It is just sitting in boxes in the front room taunting me!   But we keep running into little emergencies (mostly plumbing) that are getting in the way.   However, I am hopeful that in the next month we will have our new flooring down.  That may or may not be a threat!

In the meantime, it can be hard living in a project all of the time.  It wears on a person’s soul.  Don’t judge but we’ve been using paper plates and bowls for the last couple months (I rinse and recycle every one that I can).  This ceramic dish loving girl needed to have something pretty to look at, and maybe occasionally take out and use.

Let me explain that a couple months ago, I talked about  how to survive a constant remodel.  My two top important things in that post are one: having a sanctuary and two: eating meals together, so straightening up the dining room was the perfect survival plan for this crazy remodelaholic!

I wanted to show you a before picture.  This is the WAY before picture!

Dining Room Before

True story, I fell in love with this house for that very built in hutch!  There is just something about built-ins that gets my heart going pitter-patter.  But, guess what, I removed it!!  I know, where is my brain?…   Luckily, we were able to get it out in one piece, and we moved it to the other side of the kitchen!!  All is well, that ends well.

Removing the hutch allowed us to make the dining room a bit bigger which means we can actaully have a dining room table in there AND walk into the kitchen.  I know it is pretty strange to think you can do both at the same time.  But that is how cool our space is!!  We live the high life, what can I say?!

Dining Room blank wall

So, now I had a big blank wall.  I wanted some piece of affordable furniture, that I could use as a buffet, (but space is limited so it can’t be really big). I found this cute, red cabinet on, it was a great price and it is really solid.

To make the cabinet my own, I decided that I would fill it up with my pretty white dishes, because I was missing them so much (paper plates are only fun for so long…)

Sauder Table staging (22) small

And then I just made the little Sauder cabinet my own, using some things that I had sitting around (and I bought a plant, since we actually have some natural light coming in)

Sauder Table staging (17) small

I am especially in love with my newly exposed roof…  I realize that it will be nice to fill in some of that blank space on the wall.  But I didn’t want to make any holes in my brand new drywall, so this is a temporary fix.  Til I know what art work I want hung for sure.

Sauder Table staging (6) small

Sauder Table staging (2) small

What crazy projcets have you done mid-remodeling ?  I have REALLY enjoyed the nice clean home feeling that this has brough into my space.  I love the color, and I am glad I did it.  See how other people used their Sauder products in their homes.

Sauder Table staging (13) small

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Sauder. The opinions and text are all mine.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. It looks GORGEOUS! I’m excited about your floors coming in, but I’d be happy with the way they look now considering how beautiful the whole package is (of course, I’d like to see this room with the oak, I might just eat my words there). Something about this dining room just looks like a wonderful home, perfect for a late lunch with your loved ones.

  2. I love it! And I know what you mean about taking for-ever! I hate that I have to stop and do things like laundry. Who wants to read a post about that? haha, Can’t wait to see the floors and the finished product!

  3. You just might have inspired me! I love that shade of red!! I have an odd duckling of a china cupboard I’ve been living with for ten years since marrying my husband and kept waffling back and forth whether to paint it a vintage distressed white or a the palest shade of almost white blue. The red just might have it! Thank You!