What to Plant in October

Get creative in the garden this fall. Check out what you can plant in your garden in October via @tipsaholic #gardening #october #plants What to Plant in October -tipsaholic.com

The fall season isn’t exactly known for gardening, but you can actually plant some vegetables in your garden during the month of October. Depending on where you live, you can sow or plant certain vegetables for a winter or early spring harvest. So don’t hang up your gardening gloves just yet; here’s what to plant in October!


If you love to add garlic to your food, you’ll love the taste of fresh garlic that you grew yourself. Plant garlic in October and it’ll start coming up in the early spring. Harvest your delicious garlic in June or July. Here’s some more information on how to grow and harvest garlic.


Broccoli actually tastes better when it’s grown in cold weather. If your area has really cold winters, you can cover your garden with cloth. Plant broccoli in October if you live in a warmer climate. Find more information on growing broccoli here.


Live in a colder region? Try sowing spinach seeds in October and use fleece covers or winter lights during especially cold winter days and nights. The power vegetable will be ready to harvest in spring. Some really great information on growing spinach can be found here.


Kale is another power vegetable that will be a nice addition to your garden. Depending on where you live, kale should be planted between July and October. If you live in the south, October is a great time to plant kale. You want your kale to mature in cold weather for best results. Learn more about planting kale here.


In the deep south, extremely hot summers mean that carrots don’t grow well during their usual growing season. Thus, October is a better time to plant carrots for a late winter harvest. Get some great tips on growing carrots here.

Since the growing seasons of vegetables and other plants can vary so much from region to region, the best way to figure out what to plant in October in your garden is to use this great website tool. Plug in your zip code and you’ll get a nice chart with a variety of fruits and vegetables and which months to plant them in your garden. Best of all: it’s free!

Other than planting vegetables in your garden, here’s what you should be doing in your garden in October. Find your region and complete the checklist for a well-maintained garden.

What are you planning on planting in your garden this month?

For more gardening tips, check out 10 Edible Plants to Grow Indoors and Tips for Winterizing Your Summer Garden.

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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