Peaceful Beach Themed Guest Bedroom

Find out how this serene beach themed guest bedroom leaves every visitor happy to stay there. I love the light peaceful colors and the cute throw pillows in this beautiful beach bedroom.

Submitted By: At Home On The Bay


Hello Remodelaholics! My name is Mary from the blog At Home on the Bay where my husband and I are renovating and decorating our 100 year old house on the beautiful coast of Maine with lots of budget friendly projects. I am so excited to be here today sharing the remodel of one of our two guest rooms. I hope you enjoy the tour and if you like stop by and check out some of my other projects like the Horchow inspired lampshade, or the painted green cupboard and our unusual kitchen window treatment.

You’ve been getting little glimpses of our second guest bedroom along the way. It’s coming along and I would even consider it 95% finished. Below is an after picture.

This room is off the dining room and was originally an office. It doesn’t have a closet,and it had a paneled wall with shelves. We like to have family and friends visit and the more bedrooms the better, so we converted this room to a bedroom.

The first step was to take down the shelves over the bed. I think shelves over a bed might be bad feng shui.  Luckily they came down very easily. My husband made strips of wood to cover the seems on the panels, and I nailed them in place. Then I went to work painting the paneling with Benjamin Moore in White Dove. The room immediately felt bigger without the overpowering wall of wood. The picture on the right below shows the cleat for the headboard attached to the wall.

The headboard was made out of plywood and covered in batting and a faux French linen. The instructions for it are here. The Swiss Cross pillow instructions are here.

I made a vintage sign to hang over the bed. Those instructions are here.

Since there isn’t a closet, I made a coat rack with a piece of leftover wood and some Anthropologie knobs. It was my first foray into using power tools. You can read all about it here.

This dresser makes up part of the unfinished 5% in the room. I want to paint it in Miss Mustard Seed’s new milk paint line, so I’m waiting for it to be available sometime this month. It’s another good place for guests to put clothes.

The curtains are from Walmart and they only cost $28.00 for all four panels. You can’t beat that price. I couldn’t even make them for less if I wanted too. Hereis the post about the curtains.

On top of the dresser I stuck a few metal candlesticks that I painted in Annie Sloan chalk paint. You can read more about it here.

You have to have a clock and this cute clock is from Ikea. The books are Readers Digest condensed books that I picked up at a yard sale. You can read about them here. I’d like to get a taller lamp eventually, but this one will work for now.  We also bought spindles at an antique salvage yard to make a new nightstand.  Maybe we will get a chance to work on that later this summer.

Hopefully our guests will feel welcomed and comfortable in this room. It is definitely an improvement over the old office.

Why are all new clocks typically set to 10:10? A study must have shown that it is the most pleasing time to the eye.


Check out these other beach themed rooms!


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I LOVE your headboard, but it was the cross pillow that drew me in!Did you use burlap for the headboard and paint the stripes of find a striped fabric?

    1. Thanks Dani! The headboard is plain osnaburg (utility linen) that I bought and then painted the stripes to make it look like french linen. The cross pillow instructions are on my website too.

  2. Clocks are set at 10:10 because thats when Kennedy was shot. I don’t know why they decided to do that, but there ya go.