Organizing part deux, Inspiration Monday

I found so many great ideas for organizing last week that I had to share some more today.  I think the great part of getting something organized is how much better I feel inside.  Am I the only one who goes to bed at night and thinks, I wonder what is stuffed under my bad at the moment?  Or, that there are five pairs of shoes by the back door… Yes, these are the kind of thoughts I have at night, instead of just drifting off to bed.

Sources: All images are from Martha Stewart or Pottery Barn.

If I have time later today I will try to explain why I like these images so much!    
For now, what do you think?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >I dream of being that organized! I love your blog. Before and afters are my favorite! Thanks for stopping by The Virginia House and your nice comments. I love comments! Visit me again soon I hope to finish up some projects this week and get them posted.

  2. >Organization doesn't run in my family. We are more of packrats than anything. I love when I get something organized, though. I definitely need to get better at it especially having 3 boys wreaking havoc constantly.

    Have you seen She has plans for that pottery barn book/cubby/desk thing and lots of other wood furniture knock offs. Its pretty cool.

  3. >I think of the number of shoes by the door too. Ahhhrggghhh. I need a clear space for a clear mind. So to me, these places look like a free place for my mind to create and NOT obsess on the things to do. Honestly they make me a bit nervous as I would think in my "all or nothing" mentality of organizing, I would be, ahh, challenged, shall we say?

  4. >Oh and I tend to look very organized…clear counters etc. but DO NOT OPEN THE CUPBOARD. I can't be responsible.

  5. >Great inspiration photos! I need some organizing help — really just time to work on getting organized!



  6. >Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!!

    LOVE these images… such inspiration to my never-ending challenge of getting organized.

  7. >would it be weird if i thought these pictures were delicious? i looove little organized offices, etc 🙂

  8. >My parents knocked off the PB organizational system for me when I left for college (handy to have a woodwork and a welder between the two of them). I love it, and still use it to keep our office organized!

  9. >I'm not a woman looking to give up a baby, but I just wanted to wish you blessings. I have a now 18-year-old boy who is the apple of my eye. I believe he was MEANT to be my child. I think we could end a lot of this controversy about abortion by pushing adoption. Wouldn't it be nice to be FOR something? God bless you.
    Oh – I'd be honored if you'd check out my blog: Contrary Mary Clementine.

  10. >Thanks for organizing these pictures. I'm trying to organize a sewing and crafting room and these have been really helpful. Love your blog!