Orange Accent Boys Bedroom

This fun and modern boys bedroom idea is especially great when your son’s favorite color is orange! 

Submitted By: Adventures In Creating


I’m Rachelle from Adventures In Creating! I currently live in Altus, OK (AKA Middle of No Where thank you US Air Force) but am originally from down south in Louisiana. I’m an Interior Designer who loves all things DIY- from welding to crafting I’ve tried a little bit of everything. My style is a mix of vintage and modern; I try to bring a little of each into each room of our home. I started writing a blog to record all my projects around the house. 

Today I’m pumped to share my boys bedroom. You can read up what his room looked like before and on my inspiration for the room here.

Con-Man went to a little summer school last week so I finally had time to throw all his toys in his closet/ toy box  give his room a good clean up. I don’t know about everyone else but every time I try to clean up after my son he pulls out other toys and makes a new mess right behind me. C’est la vie…

Anyway- in a rare moment of cleanliness here are pictures from Con-Man’s Big Boys bedroom:

The comforter was the jumping off point for the color scheme. I saw it on the Land of Nod website and decided to DIY one myself. The pattern on the wall just came to me one day. I wanted a feature wall but didn’t want anything to busy. We’re renting our home so this will be easy to paint over when we leave.
I built the bed following plans from Anna White’s website. You can read about my trials and tribulations here. The bed provides a lot of hidden storage; something we needed since I moved his old shelf into his future baby brother’s room

We had the airplane already. It was a gift Connor got for Christmas. He loves to tell people he has an airplane on his ceiling. I’m on the lookout for a few more to hang with it.The bedside lamp is from Ikea.

built the step stool as well from leftover scrap wood from his bed. It was quick and easy to make; but as you can see I still haven’t decided which color to paint it yet.

The curtains are the same ones he had before which I made from sheets. To refashion them I purchased some cheap orange sheets from Walmart and sewed them onto the bottom. 

I purchased the wall art from Neve Designs on Etsy.

The desk was the Hubs’ from when he was little. I debated whether or not to paint it to go with the new decor. In the end I decided to leave it as it is to give a vintage feel to the room. Con-Man likes to sit here and color in his coloring books.

I made the crayons and chalk holders from stucco trays. I liked how they have an industrial look; it went well with the transportation theme of the room.

As you can see I left one wall of the exisiting chalk board paint. It was the only wall Con-Man ever drew on and I felt like all the black darkened the room.
The rustic wood wall art is made from salvaged pallets. Con-Man likes to tell people that he has Lighting McQueen on his wall!
I found the old stop sign at a vintage shop here in town. I love the bullet holes in it!

built the bookshelves based on some Ikea spice racks I had seen online. Ikea never had them in stock so I had to DIY my own! 
I’d still like to get some bean bag chairs to put under his bookcases so we can sit and read with each other instead of sitting on the floor.

I tried to make the room bold and fun because that is Con’s personality. He’s outgoing and energetic and there’s no denying his love of anything with wheels; especially cars. 

I’m hoping this room lasts him a few years. I think we’ll be able to keep the duvet for a long time since it has a lot of colors in it; so we’ll be able to change things up easily if need be.

Here are some other boys bedrooms that turned out nice.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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