No Sew Faux Roman Shades, When in Rome! Tutorial

Can I just say that I am so nervous about posting this little tutorial…  See, if you remember my question for y’all on Saturday, as seen here. I pinned up some fabric and asked for your opinions and the answer?  Pretty much, every single person picked the print.  There was love for that sweet little print all around… well the truth is, on Saturday, I posted it, and then I waited about an hour and started… on the white fabric.  FORGIVE ME!


However, I still LOVE the print, but I just had to go with my heart, kinda like the bachelor… (I can’t believe I just admitted that I watched some of this season…), and I just decided to go for it.  BUT don’t fear, I am using the printed fabric in my craft room…when I get to it, so stay tuned for that one!

Anyway, this project has been done before in the blog-o-sphere.  But I think that pretty much anyone who has made their own drapes has done this before including myself in this project back in 2005, before I even knew what a blog was… so there, I am not just a copy cat! Although I do love my cats, and my chickens.. and well you get the picture, moving on.

Here is a before:
The whole house has these 2″ faux blinds, and they are brand new and perfectly functional so,
I decided to keep them, but I didn’t necessarily want to look at them all the time.
( apparently that means I would rather stare at the blank brick wall that is my neighbor’s house…)
Here are the instructions if you would like to try it out. 
Collect your supplies:
Ribbon (if desired)
Heat bond adhesive strip
Velcro, adhesive backing
1 x 2 (x window width+) pine board
Measuring tape or ruler
(drill and screws or small “L” brackets)
This project can be sewn or not, it is up to you.
Measure your window, decide the width you would like and cut your 1 x 2 to the proper length.
Cut the fabric to width of finished blind plus at least 2 inches and the finished length plus at least 8 1/2+ inches.  (technically since theses blinds do not operate,
you don’t have to have the full length and it would be fine)
Finish all four edges, by folding the top and two sides over 1/2 inch, 
then 1/2 inch again and either sew or heat bond the seam in place. 
On the bottom fold it over 1/2 inch and then 3 inches and sew or bond in place.
Now move on to the tutorial images.
Any questions? … Bueller? … Bueller?
Did it work out with the white instead of the print fabric?
Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin.  Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME!  We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!).  We are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way.  We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what is going on in our family life.
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Wow! This is amazing. We just bought a house and were thinking of Roman Shades for some of our windows. I am not this talented, so we may buy them. But yours are beautiful.


  2. >What a statement! I LOVe it! That is so adorable! Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday and sharing this week! I hope you will come back to visit me soon. If you haven't already, be sure to enter the giveaway.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  3. >This is going to be bookmarked. I love it. I love the white.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. Please come by next week for another great party.

  4. >Ok, I'll admit I was one of those people in the "print" camp, but I love, love, love the white with the green trim! Gorgeous, and I'm glad you followed your heart!

    Kat 🙂

  5. >It is faux beautiful. I like the green and the white–so fresh. Thanks for linking up and sharing.

  6. >That looks amazing! I would love to have you join my Mclinky party Favorite Things Friday the 19th if you are interested!

  7. >So lovely, thank you for the tutorial too.
    I love the plain white with green stripe, so fresh & lovely.
    Hope you will pop by & see my Show & Tell Friday post.

  8. >It looks beautiful. I love the touch of that matching ribbon! Very nice soothing look for the bedroom.

  9. >Good color combination used, I like it. It really compliments on the color of the room. Can you share us more roman shades?
    John Taylor
    liverpool blinds Quick Tips to dress up your room without breaking the bank

  10. >The blinds are nice and I may just have to make some but I love the most that at the end you said "Bueller? . . . Bueller? . . ." I say or think that all the time and usually no one knows what in the heck I am talking about. I suppose you like Monte Python too. "Not quite dead yet! Actually I am feeling much better!"
    Blessings. Ronda