Nice and Toasty!

If you guys have been following my project over at Houselogic, you may have noticed that we are planning on a faux fireplace hearth. And I have talked about this in the past in this post.  Well,  the truth is, I really wanted a real fireplace when we where looking for houses.  But it didn’t’ end up in the cards.  So I have been looking for alternatives.

Did you know that there are electric fireplace inserts available that don’t need any venting?  I know!  I am really excited about this myself…  We are looking at something really basic, and not that expensive, so that we can build our own hearth, to match the existing moldings that we have and then have a cozy space.  I found one on a website called Heat n’ Glo, and they are partnering with me to get the insert!  I AM SO EXCITED!  I will tell you how it goes, as we get to it… and you all know sometimes that takes me a while.

Here is a picture of the insert.  (We will be changing out the surround so it matches a little more with our decor.  I will show you my plans in the next few weeks)

But I also I wanted to let you know about a really cool giveaway they are having on a modern electric fireplace (below) worth $13,995.  Like giveaways?  You should go enter.

If you would like a fireplace in your house too, please go enter to win here!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I know exactly how you feel about fireplaces! My hubby and I also were dying for a fireplace when we were looking for homes a couple of years ago – and sadly, it also did not work out for us.

    But like you, I also held out, and we looked into other options. We ended up going with an ethanol fueled fireplace (actual crackling fire WOOHOO!!!) – which is also a stand alone (wall mount options are available) – and also requires no outside venting! I LOVE IT! You’re going to love your new electric fireplace too, I am certain!

    I’m so happy there are options for us fire loving folk – even though it will never truly beat a real fireplace, these are still fantastic alternatives.

    Can’t wait to see tomorrow’s installment of your storage addition on Houselogic!

    Take care,

    1. I saw some of the ethanol versions, but I didn’t look into it that much cuz I didn’t know it also didn’t need a vent. Do you still need electricity? I would love an option that could be electricity free, for power outages… (but i guess a fan would need electric…. either way)

      Oh, I am excited for you to see the next installment, it really starts to come together!

      1. Oh, Cassity, I am about to blow your mind – the ethanol fireplaces use NO electricity whatsoever!!! All you need is the ethanol fuel. It comes in either a bottle (so that you squeeze a gel or pour a liquid into a canister) or already in canisters, which hide neatly in a box (either behind faux wood or other material, e.g., stones). If you’re keen on investing in another fireplace (ahem, how romantic for the bedroom – that’s what I want!!!) I would definitely recommend the ethanol versions. There is no fan required for the ethanol fuel either – it just burn away, cleanly! This is a super option for apartment buildings too.

        Take care,

          1. Oh for sure; ethanol fireplaces make for a very toasty and cozy room! The fire is still an actual fire – so there is a considerable amount of heat from it (and thus, anything in the immediate vicinity of the fire is quite hot as well – such as the insert or the logs/rocks/whatever that are close to the flames). Usual precautions should be taken, especially with the little ones, as with any fireplace.

            I also love the portability of the fireplace; if my hubby and I ever move we can just take the fireplace with us if we want to!

            Take care,

          2. Okay, I am totally sold for my downstairs fireplace ! THANK you for telling me all about it! (Our house has electric heat and no back ups so if we have a power outage, which we had last year, during some ice storms there is no way for us to heat our house)

  2. My husband and I replaced our gas logs with an electric insert (we got the LED lights in ours) a couple of weeks ago. I am VERY pleased with it. We have a “fire” now every night and I don’t see the $$ going up the chimney every time we light it.