New Deck and Patio Makeover: Guest

Alexson @ Bigger, Better, Best has been hard at work revamping her new deck.  Check it out.

It’s official – Deckstravaganza and Patio Palooza are complete, done, kaput, finito. After two months and two days of constant scheming, hammering, crying and trips to Home Depot, it’s over. We had a little par-tay this weekend to celebrate the doneness and even with 30 people on the deck, it didn’t collapse, so I’d say we were successful.


Blood + sweat + tears + 1,000s of pounds of lumber and brick = 


Outdoor oasis fit for two upwardly-mobile Iowa newlyweds a king.


But, you’re not here to read about how much everyone loved the Jalapeno Popper Dip I made for said fiesta, or how much the neighbors fawned over our hard work, or even how the night ended with a phone call from a friend who left his unmentionables on our fence after a dip in our awesome pool. No, you’re here for the tour. Well, here you go:

see video on her blog

That was nice right? Now, how about a trip down memory lane. Yes, friends – the before and afters!
Here’s what we saw this winter from inside. A blizzard left us with a literal ice box. Not cool.


But, really, when all that ice melted, it wasn’t much prettier.
Now, ohmygoshIloveitsomuch. That trellis makes my heart skip a beat.


The old view from the yard:


And the new view. This one almost has me choked up.
We used to just have these stairs. Inviting, right? They really said, “Come on up here and get tetanus and a PBR.”
We kept the side stairs because they open right to the driveway, which is nice. Now, they’re saying, “I like your shoes! Come relax and have a homebrew. No need to fear for your life here.”
This sad little garden was under our bedroom window.
And now, it’s perfect! We’re going to add some cascade hops to creep up the deck and trellis, too.
Thank you all so much for following us as Hubs and I took our yard from a space we barely used to one we couldn’t love more if we tried. It’s been a fun ride, but man, am I glad all we have to do on the deck now is chill. Anyone else finishing a big outdoor make-over? I want to see your pictures! Because I’m nosy.
That is a nice change. 
Dosen’t it make you want 
to spend more time outside?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >At first I thought you were showing a picture of a magazine that you wished your deck looked like, then I realized it actually was your yard. WOW! Truly a great job worthy of being featured in a magazine.

  2. >What a beautiful transformation. I love how the spindles open up the space, too. And those new stairs not only say have a homebrew, but drink it out of a glass, too!

  3. >That's great! I love so many things about this deck. I especially like the plant hanger and new landscaping. Perfect!

  4. >Wow that looks amazing!!! Excellent job!! I love that little trellis piece to hang, hanging plants from!!