Modern Two-Tone Furniture Refinishing


Hello Remodelaholics!
Michelle here from back with another fun and functional DIY project that just about anyone can tackle.

Chances are you’ve seen furniture with paint dipped legs.
This is the same idea but reversing the effect and leaving the legs natural and the top painted.

Modern Two-Tone Furniture Refinishing on


I recently did this effect on a different bench that is now in my entry with great results.
I didn’t realized I had a thing for little step stools but apparently I do.  In fact, I currently have four different stools all over my house.  They are just so handy for young ones. Plus, who doesn’t need a little boost when reaching for items in high places?


My latest find was this cute little red stool at a consignment store.  It was in rough condition (aka character).  Nail holes were never filled, edges were a bit rough and some corners did really match up.  It’s all good though…I love it that way.  The red was great but when kids push the stool up against the cabinets it leaves red marks.  White-washing it would be too vanilla.  So instead, two different tones would give it much more visual interest.

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I found this paint stripper at my local Home Depot (and no, I’m not being paid to plug them).  I simply sprayed the areas I wanted to remove the paint from and waited 15 minutes.  You can see the paint completely bubbled as the stripper went to work.


After 15 minutes I came back and was able to use a metal scrapper to take the paint right off.  Magic!


This is what I was left with after the first go-over.  There were several layers of paint on this stool so I repeated the process once more.  When I came back the second time I decided to use an old brush to scrub some off the hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.  The warning on the can cautions about getting the solution on your skin or clothes.  Invincible me thought, “I’ll be really careful.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
While scrubbing, the tiniest splatter splashed on to my forearm right above the rubber glove.  Immediately, intense heat started to burn a hole right through my arm.  I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast in my life.  I washed it off and my skin came with it.  Believe me, I practically put on a hazmat suit after that episode.
Heed the warning!!!!

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After I had removed the majority of the paint off I then sanded the stool down and stained the legs only where I wouldn’t be painting.  I used an oil-based paint which I’ve founds works remarkably well.  It takes much longer to dry and stinks to high Heaven but it is really durable.

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Next I used some Frog Tape to tape off the area I wanted to paint.  Julia, from Chris Loves Julia, shared this great tip of going over your tape with a wet rag to seal off where potential paint may bleed under your tape.  Worked like a charm when I peeled off the tape to reveal a very crisp line.


The end product resulted in a personalized stool that would work great in any space.


It’s not just limited to helping feet reach higher places…what about putting it next to your bed and stacking it full books and magazines…



I’ve also found that step stools are great for plant stands.

To see more of Michelle’s awesome DIY projects check out her blog at 4men1lady.


Don’t think that you have to buy new furniture… refinish it! Be inspired by these:

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