Mini / Individual Serving Cheese Balls Recipe

Tis The Season for cheese balls right?  
Well, here is a recipe I made last year.  But I just got another email from Kraft that I thought would be a fun way to adapt this recipe because “cute factor” in party food is a must… They called them Holiday Cheese Truffles, and I thought the little individual cheese ball servings were adorable, what do you think?  
So here is the Recipe I made from last year, I think it would be fun to make into individual serving balls, either way it is really GOOD!  Here is the psot from last year, and be sure to check out our Tacky Christmas sweater party link if you want a good laugh!
Je Kaas kop!  As you would say in Dutch… Which I am trying to learn, ever so slowly because my husband speaks Dutch and we have decided to raise our daughter to be bilingual.  Unfortunately, for me, that means Mommy needs to learn too…. YIKES!  Luckily , I have a few years…
And speaking of years, it is almost New Year’s Eve.  Are you having a party?  Well if you are, or just hanging out with family you should really try this wonderful cheese ball. 
I wanted one for our tacky Christmas sweater party.  And, I used only what I had in the fridge.  I guess it is strange to have this much cheese (insert cheesy joke here), but I think I may be a Feta addict.  I mean seriously is there anything as good as Feta?  I think not!
Here it is, really simple, easy and hopefully as delish as mine.
Cheese Ball
Can make 2 small cheese balls or 1 large!
2- 8 oz cream cheese ( I always use the naufchatel cheese or the 1/3 less fat version)
6 – 8 oz Feta cheese, crumbled
3 – 4 green onions, finely minced
4 Tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic, pressed
1 tsp worchestershire
1 Tbls dill weed (can use 1 tsp more if you especially like dill)
2 tsp dreid oregano
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic salt
Mix this all very well, I used my beaters. Lump together, cover with seran wrap and cool in the fridge.
Optional: chopped walnuts
Form into a ball, it helps to have wet hands
Roll in walnuts
Mine is not perfectly round, opps, oh well, it didn’t stop us from eating all of it!


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Mmm! Those cheese balls look delish! I may need to try one this year!
    And, I LOVE your tacky Christmas sweater party post. We are going to one next Saturday and I still need to go find sweaters! So, this was some great inspiration! LOL! 🙂 Thanks!

  2. >I grew up giving cheese balls to neighbors and friends for the holidays. I have to say, the individual cheese balls are adorable, and quite classy looking. Thanks for sharing!

  3. >Love the individual chesseball idea. Thank you for providing a place to link our food items to. It's fun to go to one place and stay awhile!

  4. CUTE and DELISH cheese balls! I can’t wait to have a try. I had featured U in the article of Top 7 Yummy Appetizers Full of Your Love for Mothers on AllFreshRecipes. I will Keeping close attention to ur renewing Eats!