Master Bedroom Remodel With White Wainscoting Panels

Master Bedroom Remodel With White Wainscoting Panels
contributed by Joy at Thrifty Parsonage Living
You’ve been waiting a long time for my master bedroom to be revealed. It took sometime to get the project finished, but the big delay was in getting photos. We’ve had dark or rainy days for what seems like forever! I’ve become inpatient to share the room with you, so please bear with me if the photos are a little dark, remember there is only one small window in the room.
Here are some of the before photos to remind you what we started with.
The room had been an office for my husband and wanting a bedroom that all our bedroom furniture would fit into we did a flip of rooms. You can read more about it here.

Forest green paint on bottom half of the room with a lighter green on the top half.

The room was very dark and dreary and measures 9 1/2′ x 20′ making it difficult to arrange the furniture.  
I didn’t like the lined up furniture before.

Here’s the work in progress…adding board and batten.   You can read the DIY board and batten here.

Painting one coat of primer and two coats of
…Valspar Snowblow White ~ semi gloss finish

… Valspar Seascape (CI 187) paint ~ satin finish.  New Drop Cloth Curtains that I made were added next.

Bamboo blinds were added for some additional texture to the room.
Moving the furniture… (We thought we couldn’t put the bed on this wall because the nightstand and king size bed wouldn’t fit in the narrow 9 1/2′ space, but my husband came up with an idea to build new nightstands to fit the space).  
Here’s the bed in its new position.  My husband and I made the headboard.

The opposite side of the room.  See my Goodwill lamp sitting on the nightstand along with my thrifty sand dollar artwork.
Finishing touches…

Photos we’ve taken were hung as artwork above the bed
along with spray painted Goodwill reading lamps.

A photo of my husband and myself at the beach (a new 8 x 10 will replace the 5 x 7 after our vacation at the beach this summer) framed by a large thrift store frame.   The shelf I already had and I added a candle and sign purchased @ TJ Maxx.   I made the hanging ornaments from shells and starfish, along with my Knockoff Pottery Barn mason jar candle.   
This sign purchased at TJ Maxx was added on the opposite wall .

Candle light was added to the dresser using blue mason jars.

The Ikea mirrors I made over and …

…Jewelry hanger I did a makeover.

vintage step ladder for a side table.   My husband is going to make side tables, but I’ve had so many of you telling me to keep the ladder so for now it’s staying.

My vintage alarm clock purchased at a garage sale.

I added a new quilt at the end of the bed that I found @ Goodwill for $14.98 (don’t worry I did wash it) and new tan pillows I sewed. The blue pillow was purchased @ TJMaxx along with new white pillow covers.

15 years ago my husband lovingly hand made all the furniture in this room with the exception of the headboard.

We made the headboard together 3 years ago when we upgraded from a queen bed to a king. I’ll tell you how we made it in a future post.

This basket is used for our laundry and a framed photo I took of flip flops will sit on a nightstand.

We’re loving our new made over room. What do you think of the room?

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Simply BEAUTIFUL! So cozy. Makes me want to crawl in bed. And I LOVE all the use of jars. Great makeover.

  2. >What a difference! I can't get over how light and airy it now feels. I love mason jars, really adds to the beachy ambiance.

  3. >Thanks for featuring my bedroom makeover Cassity! I enjoy your blog and all the before and afters. Thanks to everyone for your great comments on my makeover!

  4. >I love the color on the walls… and the wainscotting! maybe i will try something similar on the living room walls.. my poor bedroom is too small to try this.. it would be a lost effort. 🙁

  5. >This looks sooooo much like the bedroom makeover I'm doing right now in my room. Same color scheme, use of beachy details. Wow! It's just beautiful! Now I want a little ladder for a nightstand!

  6. I LOVE what you’ve done with your bedroom. That has to be one of my all time favorite colors. Great job. I hope this doesn’t sound like criticism, but I’m wondering if the bamboo shade were hung from the same height as the curtains, if it would give a nicer line and an over all bigger looking window.

  7. Just lovely and gives me so much inspiration. Hubby and I are starting our bedroom redo right now (bare sub floors, spackle on the walls waiting for primer, etc) and I may steal some of your ideas! Enjoy your beautiful new space and hug that woodworking husband of yours.