Marble Master Bathroom Dream Come True

Submitted By Stay At Home-ista


Here is the view into the master bath:

And looking to the left:

As you can see there are three windows with views to the awesome view outside. One of the windows is inside the shower. I’ll just stop here to say that there is no way anyone can see into this window, we are too high up on the hill and the angles just don’t work that way. So we get lots of natural light in the shower, quite the way to wake up!
When I was in graduate school in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I also had a window in my shower. except in that case, the window was frosted so the apartment building across the street couldn’t see in. Not the point. Anyway, both were/are wood windows, but in Cambridge I hung a shower curtain across the window to avoid getting it wet and damaging the frame. That was clearly not an option here. We toyed with the idea of putting in an aluminum window, but it would look so odd. Finally, we decided to put in a panel of glass, just like the shower walls and the shower door.

The panel swings open for cleaning (it and the window) and it works perfectly to keep the water away from the window.

My other “must-have” in the shower was a place to put my shampoo; yes it’s Suave, and it doesn’t match the Dove conditioner. You can imagine how many funny looks I get when people see my limited showering products, then see that my husband has just three bottles from Trader Joes on his side. What can I say, I’m not a product person.

I would have liked a bench, but we decided that it was more important to have two shower heads, so we put in a small corner ledge for me to put my foot up on while I shave. You can see how that turned out.

Yep, it’s full of my daughter’s showering products, amazing that a four year old has as many as I do. Plus it’s the perfect height for her, and occasionally for her two year old brother, to reach, as they learn about how to wash themselves. They really only use our bathroom and hardly ever go into their bathroom. I’m assuming that once the teenage years start that will change.
A few of my favorite details:

What is your favorite part? My favorite is the virtual sea of marble: mosaic marble floor, 2×4 border on the floor, 3×6 wall tile and slab counters (and window-sills). It’s all either Calcutta Oro or Statuary, and I love the texture. Plus this is the first bathroom in 5 years where I can control the water temperature, so it’s a huge step up:)

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I am the husband of the amazing Cassity of Remodelaholic. I love to problem solve and to design and build things inside and outside the house to make life better. I am a professional Landscape Architect by trade and love the outdoors.

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  1. Great feature on Stay at home -ista’s marble shower. How beautiful it is, and the view is stunning. I’d shave my legs to that!


  2. wow…. i think i have died and gone to bathroom heaven!!! wow wow wow! …and i have never liked white/grey marble before… totally converted now 🙂 enjoy ur beautiful space… while i dream lol

  3. Love everything about this bathroom! The VIEW, the marble, the built in shower shelves, the great fix for the window glass! Ah, sipping a glass of wine in that tub must be heaven!
    The rest of this house is equally amazing – you’ve got to see her kitchen!

  4. What a beautiful master bath! I’m not sure that I wouldn’t just sit and stare at it all day!
    If you do not mind me asking, what color did you paint your walls? The color is so soft and pretty!

    1. Hi Heather! This was a guest post, so I’m not sure on the paint color. If you’ll head over to the guest’s blog (linked at the top of the post) then she can hopefully answer. Thanks!

  5. What are the dimensions of this room, specifically the wall with the tub and shower?

    I love this, even though it’s an old post…