Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves

Living Room Remodel,

Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves by the Anderson’s

Today’s remodel feature comes to us from The Anderson’s blog*, which documents this young and energetic couple’s adventure of renovating their first home.  Moving from a small one bedroom apartment in Chicago to a four bedroom home in the suburbs has been a fun journey to watch as they make each space truly their own.  I think you’ll be inspired with Eric and Courtney’s most recent project in their home renovation adventure: their living room.

*update Jan 2016: The Anderson’s blog has been taken down, so the link has been removed.

The Beautiful After:
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (2)
The before!
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (1)
Within the first week of moving into the house, we decided the living room was the first place we wanted to update.  The previous owners were in their mid-90’s and had a very interesting taste to say the least.  Mirrors, colored carpet, flocked wallpaper everywhere, etc.
The living room is massive and we wanted to add a big statement when people walked into the room.  We thought a fireplace and bookshelves on the back wall would eat up some of the empty space in the room and create a more intimate feeling.  Plus, it wouldn’t take up too much space in the room.
Here’s how we did it:
We first began by taking off the pink wallpaper and faded blue carpet, which revealed beautiful hardwood floors (lucky us)!  I really like the color blue, so I wanted to paint the background of the soon-to-be bookshelves blue to have a pop of color in the room.  Why would anyone cover these up?
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (3)  Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (4)
Starting with the fireplace, we decided on white cararra marble to go with the white mantle we picked out.  I wanted the room to feel light and open, and I thought adding a dark marble to white built-in bookshelves would separate the wall unit.
First, we took out a small portion of the hardwood in order to set the marble hearth level with the floor and make the fireplace feel more custom-built.  Using some of the remaining wood planks, we then created a frame around the hearth to enhance the customized look.
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (5)
Next, we had the fireplace box installed:
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (6)
Then, we built the frame and drywalled around the fireplace box:
 Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (7)
Ta da….
Marble facing and mantle up, along with the Restoration Hardware sconces I found on
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (8)
We followed that up by adding bookshelves:
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (9)
Painted them…
 Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (10)
And added the shelves…
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (12)  Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (11)
Lastly, we finally filled the bookshelves to complete the room!
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (13)
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (14)
The End Product:
Living Room Remodel, Adding a Fireplace and Built in Bookshelves (15)

Thanks for sharing along in our project!  It has been a lot of fun to see this room transform and we’re excited to renovate the family room next.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Fantastic! You created a gorgeous cozy living room that really looks like it’s for living. Wonderful job! What a beautiful room!

  2. HI, thank you for sharing your great ideas. I love the clean lines of your fireplace mantle surround. Can I ask where you purchased it?
    Thanks so much for your reply.

    1. Maria, that is a great question. Since this post was a couple of years old, it might be best to go to The Anderson’s blog and contact them about the question. I bet they would be happy to let you know. Thanks!

  3. Hey ! First, allow me to say that the change is outstanding !
    I would also like to ask you how much did it cost to build the fireplace and bookshelves ?

  4. I love it-it’s gorgeous! Is the fireplace a traditional fireplace box or is it a woodburning stove insert type? I’d like to try something similar in my family room!

  5. love the pictures and what excellent choices on this project. I have a couple of questions as well. Where did you purchase the fire box and ball park figure what did this project cost roughly? I need to have some of these questioned “fielded” for my presentation to the husband!! LOL

  6. could you please give us the demisnions, brand name and where you bought the firebox insert?

  7. When you installed the bookshelves around the fireplace – how did you do it? Did you just frame out a few boxes and then buy doors and install them? I’m doing something similar in my basement but I can’t find any real good tutorials.


  8. Hello, Wondering what the measurement of the wall is that you added the fireplace to? Thank you so much! beautiful!

    1. Hi Sara,
      This is a guest post from a few years back, and it looks like they have stopped blogging — so I’m afraid I can’t help answer your question very well! Sorry!