Kids’ Frog Themed Bathroom Makeover

Submitted by Your Daily Dose of Del Signore

Ryan and I have wanted to redecorate our guest bathroom for Caleb for quite a while now. Aunt Debbie gave Caleb his froggie bathroom stuff so Ryan and I got to work this past weekend. Let me tell you, it was absolutely exhausting! We finished last night around 9:00 and had worked on it for about three days straight. The problem with an older home is that many times people just half do things when making repairs. I cannot stress enough to everyone…if you’re going to change something about your home do not attempt it unless you plan on doing it right! Don’t just cover up problems for future buyers. Unfortunately for us, that is what the previous owners did….

Here’s the before:

Yep, pretty dang girlie!
Ryan has never been crazy about my lavendar, flowery bathroom….
First of all, I despised the full retro looking mirror. It was just there.
I have watched enough DIY Network to know that I longed for a cut down mirror with a frame around it.
Luckily, I have a husband that can do that!
We took the mirror down and just look at the crap we found behind it:
Oh, yes. That’s wallpaper.
What was someone thinking?!?!?
You know it once had to cover everything….

Then he scraped the popcorn off what should be considered a wall.
Popcorn ceiling stuff is for ceilings not just whatever you don’t want to paint…
Now we’re talking…

I took everything out of the cabinets and we painted them all with a glossy white paint.

This actually turned out much better than I ever dreamed.
Again, I have a hubby who can do that kind of stuff!
In all seriousness, it wasn’t that bad. We applied several layers after the prep work since I will definitely be cleaning this a lot!
Ryan put down new shelf liner and I was able to organize all of my stuff…
Now for the reveal:
Tell me that isn’t adorable!
We kept the bathroom blocked off from Caleb, so we showed it to him this morning…

He just had to brush his teeth while standing on his frog mat!

What a change!  It’s absolutely adorable.  Take a look at some more kids’ bathrooms here:

Fun Kid’s Bathroom Reveal

Bright Kid’s Bathroom

Kids’ Bathroom with Framed Builder’s Mirror

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