How to Incorporate Emerald in Your Home Decor

how to incorporate emerald into your home decor

This year, Pantone has named Emerald, “a lively, radiant, lush green,” as the color of the year for 2013.  According to the Psychology of color, Emerald is a very positive hue, which feels luxurious and up-scale.  The executive director for the Pantone Color Institute, Leatrice Eiseman, explains, “The most abundant hue in nature, the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum.  Symbolically, Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation, which is so important in today’s complex world.”  If you could use a bit of clarity and rejuvenation, along with some luxury, adding the color of the year to your home decor may be just what you need!  Here are some simple and budget-friendly ideas for adding Emerald to your living spaces (and read this article for more tips on how to pick colors for your home!).

How to Incorporate Emerald in Your Home Decor

1. Paint!  Any DIY guru will point out that painting gives you the biggest bang for your buck as far as re-doing a space.  Not thrilled about the prospect of a green room?  Don’t worry!  Add an accent wall in a solid or patterned emerald.  Don’t want that much commitment?  Spray paint some frames for photos or a small console or end table.

2. Start small.  The easiest way to incorporate any color into your home decor is to add it in pops, here and there.  You don’t need to change your entire living space (who has the time, energy or money??) but you can easily switch out small decor items like figurines or vases.  Thrift stores can be a treasure trove of small tchotchkes and unique glassware.  Remember you can spray paint mason jars, or even use a “ DIY stained glass” technique to clear vases.  (just don’t use them for food after!)

3. Textiles.  Another inexpensive way to add pops of color is through the fabric you use in your room.  No doubt your living space has seating of some sort, and this seating is the ideal home to throw pillows.  Create your own pillow covers, or if your pillows are neutral, add green sashes, belts or bows to give them new life.  You can create your own inexpensive curtains by stenciling with fabric paint on drop cloths or sewing together flat sheets for bold stripes.  It can be pricey to find a large rug with an appropriate color and pattern, so consider painting your own or piecing together small rugs to make a large one.

4. Be artsy.  Create your own artwork for your walls.  There are many different ways to make family word art or print meaningful quotes to frame.  You can use paint, embroidery, vinyl, monograms, flowers, buttons, and mod podge on stretched canvas frames to create personalized works of art.  You don’t even need to pick up a brush to create these fabric-wrapped canvases, from Remodelaholic, and you can easily use any color or pattern will suit your living space!  Even easier, there are scads of free printables in graphic or quote form ripe for the picking – all you have to do is Google it and frame it!

5. Cover up.  Another idea to consider is how the items you bring into your room will affect the colors already present.  If your couch isn’t a neutral color, for instance, consider buying a slip cover.  You can slip cover wingback chairs, or even straight-back dining chairs if you want.

Emerald home decor product sources from image above:  Emerald rug,  lamp, geometric lamp, clock, vase, pillow, monogram pillowtable, chair, sofa, chair.  Check out this useful and easy to follow guide for changing your living space based on the season – including color combos to try out!

Author: Kimberly of Bugaboo Blog

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Kimberly Mueller is the “me” over at bugaboo, mini, mr & me, a blog that highlights her creative endeavors. She especially likes to share kid crafts, sewing attempts, recipes, upcycled projects, photography and free printable gift tags/cards. When she’s not enjoying being married to her best friend, chasing after the natives (AKA her three kids) and attempting to keep the house in one piece, you can find her with a glue gun in one hand and spray paint in the other. Aside from DIY pursuits, she also enjoys writing, reading, music, singing (mostly in the shower) and the color yellow. Kimberly recently published a craft book entitled Modern Mod Podge. You can also find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin’ and Instagram.

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