If You Carrot All; Carrot Soup

Day 4: Thanksgiving Week

Can you imagine life without our five senses?  I cannot, would life even be worth living?  I am thankful every morning to hear my babies cooing and cries to let me know she is awake.  And seeing her smile up at me when I come in and ask her if she is “awake-y”.  I love caressing her soft wonderful skin after her baths, or smelling her sweet little shampooed head.   Now, while I have been tempted to eat her up, I have resisted!  instead I love to eat the wonderful things that the Lord has provided in this beautiful world!

About 10 years ago, my brother, the awesome chef, brought some carrot soup to our thanksgiving feast.  And it became a staple.  It is one of my favorite soups!  Technically, I make it year round, just because I love it so much!  And it freezes really well, so I make a big batch freeze half and get 2 dinners(or more) for the price of one!

The original recipe is a little sinful!  (but I will include my 2 point recipe version below)


In a large 5 qt saucepan saute these ingredients together, until onion are translucent:
2 lbs carrots, peeled and cut into medium sized chunks
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 c butter

1/2 c Flour, stir in for a few seconds

Whisk in (slowly at first to get all flour lumps out):
1/2 Gallon Chicken stock (or broth)

Bring mixture to a boil and simmer 15 minutes or until carrots are very tender.
Pour mixture into blender and process til smooth.

** Please be extra careful when blending.  Cover the blender with a  towel, and hold the lid down.  Also do not over fill the blender, do about 1/2 full or less .  It can explode out at you if you blend too much **

Return to Saucepan, when ready to serve add:
2 cups Whipping cream (or fat free half and half)
salt and pepper to taste. 

That is it!  I am telling you it. is. SO GOOD

Carrot Soup for you fellow Weight watchers…
10-ish servings 2 points each

In a large 5 qt saucepan saute these ingredients together, until onion are translucent:

2 1/2 lbs carrots (I used baby cut carrots and didn’t cut them up any more than that)
1 1/2  medium onion, chopped
3 Tbsp butter

1/2 c Flour, stir in for a few seconds

Whisk in (slowly at first to get all flour lumps out):
1/2 Gallon(8 cups) chicken broth
1 tsp garlic salt (to add flavor lost from cutting the butter)

Bring mixture to a boil and simmer 15 minutes or until carrots are very tender.
Pour mixture into blender and process til smooth.

Return to Saucepan, when ready to serve add:
1/2 tsp pepper
1 cup milk
3 Tbsp light sour cream

So good.  I portioned mine out into a single serving, in plastic freezer bags.  Then laid them flat in the freezer to freeze now when I want a quick low point meal, I can just grab one little bag, thaw a little in some hot water to remove from bag and reheat in the microwave in a glass bowl.  *p.s.  I usually add salt when I am eating this, so each person can have the amount they like.

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Oh man. I am SO making that this week, while I have visitors that might actually eat it (my family wouldn't touch it, I'm sure – but it sounds divine!). Yum! I'm excited!

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