3 Tips for Hosting an Outdoor Movie Night

A great way to spend a warm summer night is to host an outdoor movie night in your backyard. Here are 3 tips to get the party started. 3 Tips for Hosting an Outdoor Movie Night via @tipsaholic #movienight #outdoor #backyard #movie #summer #summerfamilyactivities

3 Tips for Hosting an Outdoor Movie Night

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A great way to spend a warm summer night is to host an outdoor movie night in your backyard. With just a little planning, you and your friends could have great fun under the stars. Here are 3 tips for you to get the party started.


  1. The equipment needed is fairly simple. First, you need a movie screen. If you already have a light colored garage door or wall of your house, you have a surface to display the movie. But if you need to make a movie screen, a simple white bed sheet tacked to a wall or fence will work great. Next, you will need a projector and some kind of speakers. If you don’t have these maybe you can borrow from a friend, or they can easily be rented. Also, you need a video source like a laptop computer or a dvd player. Simply set it all up on a table, aim it at your make shift movie screen and you are all set.
  2. What would a backyard movie night be like without snacks? Set up a concession stand on a table. Keep everything in individual portions, so everyone can easily grab what they want to eat before heading over to watch the movie. Pop a lot of popcorn before guests arrives and put it in decorative popcorn bags you can get at most party supply stores. Prop them up in a box or tray, so guest can select a bag of popcorn. Also, include candy you would normally find at a movie theater or bake up a sweet treat like brownies or cupcakes. Don’t forget the drinks either. Put those in a tub full of ice, to keep them nice and cool.
  3. Comfy seating is a must. Provide a variety of options. Set out a few folding chairs, lay out blankets on the ground, and spread out a few seat cushions from the patio set.


Once you have everything set up, it is time to start the movie and enjoy a backyard movie night with your friends.


Featured and title image via: Better Homes and Gardens


I’m Frances. I am a mother, a wife, and a community volunteer. I work as a scientist by day and moonlight as a blogger. Making lists helps me keep everything on track. While I have a good life, there is always room for improvement. Join me as I decorate, organize, and try new things over at my blog Improvement List.


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