Home Sweet Home on a Budget: Girls’ Bedrooms and a Linkup

It’s always so much fun hosting this end-of-the-month linkup to see what my readers have been working on. Hopefully you’ve found some inspiration here for some fun, colorful, and creative ways to design and decorate children’s bedrooms. And better still, you’ve found a way to make those ideas work within your budget. I hope you’ll share your progress with all the other Remodelaholic readers out there by linking up your kids bedroom projects below. The linkup button will be working until Monday at midnight–so there’s plenty of time to do a quick project this weekend and get it posted. I’ll be checking them out, and featuring my favorites next week!
Great Girl Bedroom Ideas For Real life kids! #bedroom #design #girls
You can find the Inlinkz button to linkup your projects at the end of this post. On the way down, enjoy getting a peek at some darling bedrooms for girls that were decorated by their blogger moms.

Great Girls’ Bedrooms Ideas

I adore all the pretty vintage touches and lovely curves in this room at The Handmade Home.

You won’t believe the transformation of this room from storage to a feminine space for a little girl at Crazy Wonderful.

At Jen Loves Kev, there are so many fun touches–including a chalkboard wall!–in this little girl’s room.

This bedroom from Just a Girl puts a fresh, fun twist on the traditional pink and blue.

The details in this girl’s bedroom are just amazing, especially the striped ceiling! Read about all of them at Kiki’s List.

Pretty fabric art on the wall in this girl’s bedroom at Me and Mine.

Making it Lovely provided lots of room for storage and play in this pretty bedroom.

Navy and coral are the perfect color combination for this room for an older girl decorated by Centsational Girl.

Ginny Phillips created a colorful collage wall for her daughter’s bedroom.

There’s a fun Parisian vibe in this bedroom at Hi Sugarplum. I have to say, the black ball fringe is my favorite touch!

Simple bunkbeds get dressed up at Delightful Distractions.

This sweet room at Me and Wee is a perfect example of how to transition a nursery into a big girl room.

When a new baby joined the family at Cassandra Design, she got to share this completely gorgeous room with her big sister. (Check out the cherry blossom theme!)

Creating a beautiful bedroom for a growing girl doesn’t have to be expensive. Learn about all the DIY projects that went into this bright room at 320 Sycamore.

Those rooms are so fun–they make me get excited about working on a room for my girls. How about you? Have you done any projects lately for the children’s bedrooms at your house, lately? I hope so, because I would love it if you’d share them in the linkup, today. Click the linky button below to add links here to the children’s bedroom projects you’ve blogged about. The linky will be open until Monday night, October 1st. Please include a link back here to Remodelaholic in your post, so that others can join in the fun, too. And if you really want to let your friends in on the fun, click the “pin it” button to creeate a Pinterest pin back to this linkup, right here:

Featured pictures and Pinterest-friendly button pictures via Better Homes & Gardens.

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  1. What a treat to scroll through those lovely rooms and see that you included my little girl’s room! Thank you Cassity!!! I’m currently working on putting together our boy’s nursery. Kid’s rooms are so much fun!

    1. NO idea! I know ikea has a four poster bed, but I don’t think it is quite as detailed…. Good luck finding the perfect one for you guys! Sorry I am no help!