Halloween Decorating Ideas: Rag Wreath Tutorial

Last year I made a lighted Fall/Thanksgiving rag-a-muffin garland that  looked like this (image below) and is linked to the full tutorial here:

So, when I saw this beautiful Rag wreath on the party link up last week from A little bit of Everything I really wanted to show it off.  First it is festive, second it is adorable and third if you want to make one you will have plenty of time to make and enjoy it through the season.  I think this project is the perfect movie night- keep your hands busy activity.  Check out how A little Bit of Everything made hers:
I made my first wreath and I think it turned out pretty cute. I’ll include a brief tutorial but it is easy to make. Just a little time consuming.

You can use as many fabric choices as you want, I used 4 that I already had. I chose not to use the black minky fabric that is pictured. It makes a big mess when cutting it so I left it out.

Cut some fabric into about 1″ strips. I didn’t measure, just kind of eyeballed it. You can either run your scissors down the fabric or rip the strips. They do not need to be even and the frayed look is what we’re going after. I then cut these strips in half.

I just used a clothes hanger that I bent into a somewhat circle. I had a wreath that I bought, but it was too thick and I would have needed to cut more fabric.

These are my strips all cut up ready to go onto the clothes hanger.

I then just double knotted each piece of fabric on then added a bow to the top.

Turned out pretty cute, didn’t it?

Isn’t that a great idea?  
I love how she used and old hanger for the form!  Waste not!!!
Great job!  
How many of you are gong to make one now?
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >Wow, that's really cute and easy! Thanks for sharing. I would say I would make one but I my to-do list is getting a bit too long. Maybe if I get really motivated. 😉

  2. >I love this. I always look at the halloween fabric but can't think of anything to do with it it (besides a pillow for our outdoor rocker). I can't wait to try this with my kids!

  3. >This is adorable and would work for Christmas too. About how many strips and how long??? I think I have to give this a tr!y?

  4. >Oh my! That is SO cute. My girls and I will have so much fun making one. They were just asking if it's too early to decorate ….

  5. >Thanks for featuring me!

    To answer the question for Susan… I have no idea how many strips that I used, probably about a yards worth total for all the fabric. The strips were 7-8" long and 1" wide. It doesn't have to be exact though.

  6. >This is such a cute idea! You are so creative. I have to try one but I think I will just do fall themed fabric so I can carry it into Thanksgiving.
    Thanks for sharing.