Guest Room Reveal; Monthly Contributor Project

Kara from KaraPaslayDeigns is another new monthly contributor.  I first saw one of her projects on Brooklyn limestone and was drooling for the awesome transformation.  When I saw this room I realized I have a design crush on this guest room.  What do you all think of here wonderful before an after?  Here she is,

It’s finally time to unveil my guest bedroom. It’s come a loooooooooong way!!!
It was one of those rooms that we completely gutted. In fact we had a HUGE hole in the floor revealing the crawl space underneath!!! We lived like this for longer than I care to admit (let’s just say it was more than a couple of weeks). And YES!!! there was some marital strife caused from this.
But I have to say, there is NO other man I know that would take on the tasks Tim does, having no idea how to do them when he starts and becoming an expert (or close to that) by the end of it all!!! Oh, the things we do for LOVE (the love of design that is).
The focal point of a bedroom is almost always the wall that the bed sits on and it is no different in this room. To create the eye catching design I desired I used reclaimed fence pickets to produce a striped effect on the wall. Then it was time for the headboard!!! I wanted something unexpected and glamorous!
Velvet and tufts seemed way too ordinary, so I came up with this! While the shape and sheen seem glamorous the actual material is rustic!!! Thank you corrugated tin.
Then, of course I needed to address night stands. Enter these stump side tables. I whitewashed the sides and painted the top a metallic silver. CLICK HERE to see a how-to video detailing the process behind turing stumps into furniture.
Now while there is a main focal wall in the room, I definitely couldn’t leave the other walls lacking. Directly across from the bed is a dresser, mirror, and small chair.
I dressed up the dresser by adding a little silver leafing on the frame and around the drawers. For a how-to on that process, CLICK HERE!
Now as I have said before, accessories are SUPER important when it comes to making a house feel homey. Add in “homemade” accessories and you’ve got a room that really shows off your personality. Here are a few pieces I put together.
A jewelry plate pedestal (holding a little letter to thank visitors for their company)!
Silver coated deer antlers that are just for looks OR for function.
A driftwood frame to add some rustic texture.
I love creating easy artwork! A small silhouette was simple and cheap!
And of course this lamp that I created from a thrift store piece. Want to make your own lamp? CLICK HERE for a full tutorial!
I love to lavish my guests with love! I gathered this tray of goodies to say “WELCOME”!!!!! Chocolate and a good magazine can really make for a day great!!
I always like to make a statement with my lighting and that often gets expensive. The overhead light in the guest bedroom used to look like the one you see below.
That’s right the spherical lantern hanging above the table. It was a little too rustic for me and I wanted something more modern in this particular space. So, with a little modification I created a completely different look for very little money!!!
There you have it, a guest bedroom ready for some action!!!! No, NOT that kind of action! Any takers????
Don’t you all love it?   
The headboard is my very favorite feature!
What do you like the most?

Don’t forget to check out her blog! Kara Paslay Designs
Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >This is supercool – I love that room. The headboard is just mind-bogglingly cool. What a great idea. And then there are so many other cool objects that are right up my street – the framed silhouettes, the antlers, the plate pedestal. Have to check this out further! Thanks for posting!

  2. >Thanks for all the comments ladies. You all sure know how to make a girl feel special! Can't wait to share more next month here at REMODELHOLIC!! Till then, be sure to keep up with all my projects at

  3. >This is possibly my favorite bedroom EVER! If I could design my perfect room, this would be it! Maybe I can convince my hubby that yellow and gray aren't too girly after all if I can steal your ideas for the silvered antler jewelry holder and the stump side tables. Definite room crush!

  4. >love it all, but you have the cutest little silhouette. Did you make it? Love the wall, love the headboard…what date did you say I could come?

  5. >Pretty cool! Although not my style I have to admit I really like it!

    Bella Rosa Antiques
    PS. I found your page when I googled "guest room redo"…. I'm working on ours now.