Fun Photograph Valentines

I am so excited to share with you the little Valentines that I am making for the girls this year…

not sure who we are going to hand them out to, but they sure are cute!



I showed you a great idea I found via pinterest a little while ago,

and mine are sort of a play on those.


I got this particular idea from Family Fun Magazine!

(such a fun magazine for those of you with kids, grandkids or who are teachers)



So, here is how we did it.  We went outside and took a bunch of pictures with the girls holding the left over pipe insulation from my wreath project.  **If you don’t have a photo editing software, then buy a 2 – 3 inch white PVC pipe (3 feet long) and have them hold it.  (this might also save time, but I personally didn’t want to have to run to the store!)

Some pictures were okay, but it was actually REALLY hard to get good images of a 1 and  2 year old!  By the way we didn’t end up dressing them up like I had planned, this was just their outfit for the day, but I have to admit I LOVE what Etta is wearing… I will have to show you how I made her leggings!)



At this point we edited our favorite two images.  Justin added a full white pole for the lollipop.  I added a bit of text, and a border (which annoyingly got cut off when I printed… but obviously I was too lazy to reprint… or waste the ink!)

Etta holding lollypop lightened copy

IMG_0947 lightened copy


I printed them out onto photo paper just directly from my picture file and set it to wallets (you can tell your printer haw many you want and it puts them all on one page).  I decided to use the mini tootsie pops, so I didn’t want the pictures too big!  And I kind of like the whole mini valentine thing!



Cut all the cards out.  I choose to glue mine to a similar color cardstock, which helps the picture to stay stable without bending too much when you add the lollipop.  I laid the lollipop out to find the best location, and I cut the image where I needed to add it in.


Make sure you cut all the way through to the back!


Slide the lollipop in (this image was my first try without the background paper which helped keep the picture from bending too much… but if you are doing background picture you stick it through both! )


Tape the lollipop loosely across the back… and you’re done.





That’s it.  Fun huh!

What do you think?!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. Pipe insulation- genius!! I went with an alternative photo Valentine idea because I knew my 2 year old wouldn’t hold out her arm to do the lollipop thing, but this would’ve worked! Your girls are adorable!

  2. I made these last year and my son’s second grade teacher was blown away. They were a huge hit! She couldn’t believe how easy they were (neither could I!).