Friday Favorites: Calf Stall Play House and Chevron Storage Container

Adorable Playhouse And Pretty Storage Container Featured On Friday Favorites For

Hello there! Welcome to another week of Friday Favorites and Remodelaholics Anonymous! We love seeing and sharing great ideas — so send them our way! If you have a blog, you can link up below, and if not, drop us a line here or message us on Facebook. It’s time to see what we are loving this week. On of our readers shared a calf stall turned playhouse that is so sweet. Then we have a variety of other great projects to check out!

Calf Stall Turned Playhouse Featured On

Favorite Playhouse: Our readers Laura and James moved their calves to the paster and decided to transform the calf stall into this adorable playhouse. 

Birdseed Storage Container DIY Plaster Disaster 13

Favorite Pretty Storage: Plaster and Disaster needed a place to store her birdseed near the door, but didn’t want it to look like bird seed. So she built this handy storage container. It would work to store many items right by the door!

Vintage Costco Stool Makeover Ambient Wares

Favorite Vintage Look: Ambient Wares refinished this stool for a vintage look. It is so handy and fits right in with the decor.

Fall Den With Orange And Muted Browns

Favorite Fall Decor Touches: It’s Fall! Yay! Have you been grabbing the pumpkins and apples yet? Saw Paint and Nail shared how she added fall decor touches to her home and I’m ready to make myself at home!

Little Gray Sideboard The Wood Spa 1

Favorite Sideboard: The Wood Spa updated this adorable sideboard. I love that it isn’t a really huge sideboard. Just a mini one that is perfect in a smaller dining space.

Favorite Bedroom to Relax in: A bedroom normally has a bed, which is a nice place to relax, but a hanging chair can be just as relaxing and fun. I could read, relax, and more in this fun chair.

Favorite Throw Pillow: This sweet girls room is so fun. But the star (haha) to me is that sunshine pillow. It really makes this room shine!

Favorite Letter Board Sign: Because this is so me. Except I try to keep going after 9 p.m. and end up never getting quite enough sleep. 

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I'm Emily and I share my ideas to celebrate and create over at The Benson Street.

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting this party. I have been absent from my blog for quite some time and I am hoping to get back into the swing of things. What better way than to join your party! Thanks again