Printable Quote about Love: We Were Together

“We were together. I forget the rest.” This minimalist art print features the classic Walt Whitman quote about what love is really all about. Perfect for a mantel or gallery wall at Valentine’s Day and year-round. 

We Were Together Walt Whitman Quote About Love Printable For Home Decor Gallery Wall #Remodelaholic


Hello again Remodelaholic readers! Dawn here from AD Aesthetic. I’m back this month with another printable graphic for your home. In case you missed it, last month I brought you this fun “Enjoy the Ride” print. You can also find ALL of my printable along with home decor tips, mockups and mood boards here.

Printable Walt Whitman Quote: We Were Together

When you’re decorating your house and turning it into a home, it’s the people that really make the difference — the time spent together! So in that spirit, I’ve made you a simple print featuring one of my favorite quotes about love, “We were together. I forget the rest.” attributed to Walt Whitman. It’s such a lovely sentiment about how everything else falls away when we spend time with the ones we love, and a great piece not just for Valentine’s Day, but all year round.

We Were Together Walt Whitman Quote About Love, Home Decor Printable #remodelaholic


Interested in receiving more printables, right to your inbox? Sign up for our printable emails here and you’ll get an email every time we have a new printable. 

I kept the design minimal here with the focus on the classic quote. I printed mine out on a pale pink paper to add a little color. You can do the same or use any color of your choice – keep in mind light colors will work best with the design. I’ve set you up with all the standard frame sizes (8×10, 5×7 and 4×6), so all you have to do is download the PDF and click print. Then, just trim out the artwork and put it in your favorite frame. It’s that easy.

Click here to add this printable quote art to your cart.

or click here to see more home decor printables in the Remodelaholic shop. 

Over at AD Aesthetic, my blogging partner Ashley and I  love to see how you use our designs in your own homes, so be sure to share your photos and tag us @adaesthetic!

For more printables, decor ideas, home mockups and design related fun, be sure to visit us over at or follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Enjoy!

– Dawn

More “love”ly printables for beyond Valentine’s Day:

Free Printable Gift Idea, Custom Carved Birch Tree Print Set 2 @Remodelaholic


Website | + posts

Dawn is one half of the team behind the creative blog, AD Aesthetic. By day she works as the VP of Creative for a design and marketing company (getting paid to make things look good!), while by night she renovates her Midwest home, refinishes thrift-store furniture for fun, and works with her husband on raising two tiny humans. Dawn believes in the potential to design your surroundings and your life one day at a time, and lives by the motto, 'Make everything beautiful.' Get to know her better by visiting her blog,, or following along on Facebook and Instagram.

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