Easy and Healthy Banana Crepes

These super simple banana crepes make a great breakfast or even a healthy dessert!  You may have to double or even triple the recipe!

Easy and Healthy Banana Crepes | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #breakfast #brunch #crepes #banana #dessert #healthy


Easy and Healthy Banana Crepes

Easy and Healthy Banana Crepes
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Author: Foodieaholic
  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • 2 eggs*
  • sprinkle of cinnamon to taste
  • sprinkle of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Lightly spray hot griddle with olive oil.
  3. Ladle about 1/4 cup of the batter onto griddle, and cook until top is a bit moist.
  4. Carefully flip crepe with spatula and cook for another 20-30 seconds.
  5. Top with plain Greek yogurt mixed with a little bit of honey to taste. Top that with fresh raspberries, or fruit of your choice! Enjoy!
*Note: You can substitute one of the eggs for a mixture of 1 Tbsp. ground flax seed and 2 Tbsp. water. Mix together and let sit for 1 minute before adding to batter.[br][br]Yields 4-5 small crepes.

Easy and Healthy Banana Crepes | FOODIEaholic.com #recipe #cooking #breakfast #brunch #crepes #banana #dessert #healthy

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