Deep in the SNOW of Texas :clap, clap

Well, it snowed here Thursday.  ALL. DAY. LONG.  and, get this I actually LOVE SNOW!  There is something so comforting about being warm wrapped in blankets, reading and playing games with your family while watching the ugly brown winter world covered right before your eyes.  ahhh…
Mr Remodelaholic got to stay home on Friday… 
Happy Valentine’s weekend to ME!  
So, we had two “Saturdays” this week and we have been getting a ton done.  
I am completely exhausted…but that is not the point of this post.  
We took Etta out to the 6+ inches of snow to “play”.  She doesn’t own any snow clothes so she is in jammies, a fleece, huge mittens and a hat, and we sat her on a fleece blanket, but she didn’t mind, 
at least her bum didn’t freeze…
 Oh, and she has decided that she likes to sit up this week and is getting quite good at it. 
I love these pictures of her.  She wasn’t quite sure what to think.
I love her face in these, the progression of the pictures.. Happy… to …Are you kidding me? 
Are you all enjoying your snow, sun or rain?  
(That is how we like to say it in our house.. life is more fun we you say things strangely)
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >L-U-C-K-Y!!

    I live in Florida and they were actually forecasting snow for us so EVERYONE was either hyped up or freaking out. I was extremely excited [I grew up in Massachusetts so I miss the snow!].

    Well. It rained. 🙁

    Oh well. Maybe some other time. Glad you enjoyed your snow! Great pictures. She's a cutie! 🙂

  2. >Too cute! Thankfully we haven't had much snow here, I think we've had enough for one winter and Greg would strongly agree. I'd love for the sun to come out but that's not happening either.
    Talking about saying things cute, I love how the kids change your language a little with different words. Mark use to always say "Manks" instead of 'thanks' and now I've got Brock saying "Dep" instead of 'yep' when he's in agreement. Soo cute! Please squish that darling baby girl for us!!!!!! Happy V-Day!!

    Shirley and the rest of the "Alpine" Kmetzsch's

  3. >Etta is so photogenic. I'm glad you all got a glimpse of some snow this year. The things we seldom see are always the most precious and exciting.

  4. >ummm….CUTEST BABY award goes to YOU!

    It snowed about 3" here in NC….we southerners will be out of school will be out for a month. 😉