Best 5 Minutes Spent…


I just want to say, since today is 9/11 that I hope the families and friends of those we lost 11 years ago, have peace and feel the love of all those around you.   We still remember that day, we will forever remember those that died.


Life is busy, I’m busy, my kids are busy, remodeling our house takes forever… I think you know how this goes.  Well, on top of all the busy-ness, we don’t have a kitchen right now.  That is right, no kitchen.  We have a fridge, that Justin just got hooked up to some water (halleluiah for ice!), but other than that, we are sort of camping.


So how do I feed my family?


Crockpot meals!


And I have the easiest, most delicious, simple, 3 ingredient, crock pot chicken meal of all time to share with you.   It is basically chicken and gravy, and while I was a little skeptical while making it, I promise you, my kids, husband and I feasted on it, it was amazing.  And then subsequently, we fought over left overs!  It was that good!


Crock Pot Chicken Meal2


But the best thing about the meal, is I threw it together while making lunch.  It only took 5 minutes (technically less- but I am being generous with your time) the chicken was frozen when I threw it in, and we just severed it from the crock pot dish then stored it in the same dish (in the fridge) so one dish, from start to finish!   And I was already making lunch so no extra time!


Simple 3 Ingredient Crock Pot Chicken

adapted slightly from 365 days of Slow Cooking


5-6 frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

1 packet Lipton Onion Soup mix (or a knock off brand)

Add mushroom soup and onion soup mix to the bowl and stir to combine.  Add the chicken and stir a bit to cover each piece.  Place lid on crock pot and cook about 5 hours on high.  (or 8+ hours on low)

Serve over rice (or mashed potatoes, or couscous- which is super fast too). We made rice in our rice cooker and steamed broccoli in there at the same time.  It was so simple, and I will definitely be making it again!

Crock Pot Chicken Meal4


I’d love it if you shared this recipe via Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter! Thanks!


What good crock pot chicken, or what not meals do you know? Share with us, I’d love to try something new!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. We have used that recipe for the last 25 to 30 years. But we use the soup mixture with beef roasts most of the time. Talk about melt in your mouth goodness . . . tender beef and yummy gravy for smashed potatoes (smashed potatoes are mashed potatoes with their skins left on).

    1. Donna! I love the name “smashed potatoes”, cuz that is how I like mashed potatoes! And I’ve done it with beef but i usually add veggies to it, and it is more like a stew… So I will have to try it your way!

    1. Eowyn, EEKS! I don’t really know. I really like how I can pull mine out of the heating element and serve right out of it… since I am lazy like that! But mine gets pretty hot on the outside and I don’t like that. i would just search around and be sure to read some of the reviews. Sorry I can’t help ya more.

      1. Thank you for responding! I’ve never used a crock pot. I bought one years ago and never even took it out of the box so I donated it to another family about 4 years ago. Everyone raves about them and I hate how at 6 o’clock I’m like “Gee, what should I make for dinner???” It seems convenient (Tho, you still have to plan ahead of time)to put ingredients in a crock pot in the am and have it ready by dinnertime. I have a handicapped 11 year old (cerebral palsy & in a wheelchair) daughter so after school-time til bedtime is hectic, like in every other household, lol! I’ve googled reviews but I thought maybe someone on this post would recommend theirs. Btw, LOVE your blog! Especially kitchen before/afters. My best to you and yours…