Clear the Clutter Storage Giveaway!!

This giveaway is now closed!


Today may just be the most useful giveaway we’ve ever had.  
Are you planning on a move?  
Need some extra storage? 
Or have a big remodel planned?   


Did you know that United Mayflower has portable containers they can bring to your house?  These containers are perfect for people who are just looking for some extra storage space to “clean the clutter” out of their homes, for those just needing temporary storage of household items while they work on a home remodeling project or for those who want to de-clutter in order to help get their home sold faster.
Containers are a great option because they allow you to keep your items at your location for easy access during a remodel or other type of home project or, for those trying to sell your home, the container can be picked up and taken to a storage facility and once their house sells, the container can be brought back so y’all can finish loading up your belongings to move, never having to move or repack those original items. 
Well United Mayflower is offering an on site container rental free for one month. This will include the delivery, one month on site storage (meaning at your location) and pickup of the container all completely free. 

How to enter:
Leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry on the Remodelaholic blog only
1. Please check out United Mayflower to see if your zip code is within one of their the serviced areas.  If you are leave a comment saying so.

Optional Entries:
2. What project will this help you out with, a move, a remodel, or just extra storage? Let me know in your comment.
3. Pin, or Stumble your favorite Remodelaholic post or image.
4.  Write a post, on your facebook wall, or tweet about this giveaway (include a direct link to the giveaway in your post, etc. please)   Add the url link to the comment you leave here.
5. Become a Google Friend Connect public follower, Like Remodelaholic on Facebook, become a twitter follower an RSS subscriber 
This giveaway will close on Monday May 30th and the winner will be announced shortly thereafter.  Thanks!!
Remember the winner must be within one of our serviced areas in order to win the container (Please be sure to check if your zip code to see if it is serviced by going here, and the free rental must be redeemed within one year of the giveaway end date.   
They’d also like to offer you lovely readers a discount of $60 off their first month’s rental of a container!!  Just use the promo code: REMODELAHOLIC, when ordering to receive the discount. The offer is good throughout our entire service area until 12/31/11. 
So who won the United Mayflower free month rental?
FriðrikssonS (and Parents)!
Send me an email when you can!  Thanks!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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