DIH Workshop and Giveaway

Okay, time for some fun news.   I think it is safe to say, that I love pinterest.  It was practically made for me.  I used to bookmark ideas I wanted to try later, but could never find them again.  So with pinterest around, instead of having a hard time finding inspiration, I actually feel like my creativity is boosted.  (I know Pinterest can be overwhelming to some, but I choose to let it feed my creativity rather than sap it).  But let’s be honest, how often do we actually put those ideas to use?  (uhem I have 15,000 pins… so my percentage is incy-wincy!)

What does this have to do with anything?  Well I have teamed up as a blogger partner with the Home Depot and Martha Stewart Living, for a Pinterest Inspired workshop!!!   YAY!

Take those great ideas and make something already!!!  The ladies have spoken, so  The Home Depot is expanding their Do-It-Herself Workshops to more of their stores.  The Home Depot wants everyone to have the skills and confidence to be a first class do-it-yourselfer.  These free weekly workshops are a great way to get step-by-step instructions and hands on experience learning to do basic repairs and easy home improvements. 

For all you local Utah readers, I am going to be co-hosting a special Home Depot DIH Workshop in the West Jordan, Utah store on November 21st from 6:30-8:00.   PLEASE REGISTER HERE!! (I’ll be at store number 4410, 1538 W 9000 South, West Jordan, UT 84088) 

By registering and coming, you too can get inspired by Pinterest, Martha Stewart Living and other do-it-herselfers to create a fabulous monogram wreath in time for the holidays! (not the same as the one I showed you here, but equally as cool!)

Please be sure to follow the DIH pinterest board !

ENTER OUR $100 Home Depot Gift Card Below! 

Chalkboard Wreath or door hanging tutorial (10)

So, I thought I would show you how to make a fun and SUPER easy “wreath” or wall art piece today, to make this announcement more fun!

Chalkboard Wreath or door hanging tutorial (12)



 knotty pine laminated 1″ x 17 3/4 table top only about $7.00

Chalk board paint ( you can try Martha’s homemade recipe if you want)

Ribbon, twine or rope about 2+ yards depending on if you want a bow or just a knot.

1/2 inch screws



Lightly sand your table top.

Paint with Chalk Board Paint, I did about 3 layers.  Allow it to dry thoroughly.

Flip over the table top.  On the back, screw the center of your ribbon on to the back of the table top.  I used 3 screws, one for each folded corner and one in the center, just in case!   I used an awl to poke a hole through the ribbon and then placed the screw in the hole, since the screw is so small you can’t really hold it while you screw it in.  Be sure to make sure if your ribbon is one sided that the good side of the ribbon will show when you flip over the  table top, so good side of the upper portions of the ribbon face down.

Chalkboard wreath tutorial

Decide where you would like your “wreath to hang and tie a double knot in the ribbon then if you want a bow, make a bow, if not you can have the ends hang, trim as necessary.

Flip your table top back over, and run a piece of chalk sideways across the whole surface of the table top, basically to prime the chalkboard finish, and to avoid scar the paint.  Rub the chalk into the board with a dry rag and remove the excess chalk. 

prime the board

Now draw away!  I did a little monogram and a laurel wreath.

Chalkboard Wreath or door hanging tutorial (3)

 This would be a fun way to announce special holidays or birthdays it could really be used for anything.  I hung mine on my wall, but you could put yours on your door, ore really anywhere you like!

Chalkboard Wreath or door hanging tutorial (11)

Feel free to check out The Home Depot on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or The Apron Blog.


Wanna win a $100 Gift Card to Home Depot?  Enter using this Rafflecopter widget, if the widget doesn’t load, please click on the link and follow the entry steps.  THANKS!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Disclosure: The Home Depot partnered with bloggers such as me for their DIH Workshop program. As part of this program, I received compensation for my time. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about any product mentioned in these posts. The Home Depot believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. The Home Depot’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations. 

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I actually ponder the reason why you called this blog, “DIH Workshop and Giveaway”.
    In any case I really admired the article!
    I appreciate it,Effie