Blue Boys Bedroom Makeover With Chevron Curtains


Submitted By: Calypso in the Country


Hello! My name is Shelley from Calypso in the Country.  I live in the New Jersey countryside but I love the beach; especially the Caribbean!  My husband and I traveled frequently before our children were born and I always admired the relaxed island style – probably because I am not a relaxed person!  There were so many times on vacation when I wished I could bring home a certain feeling from a place.  I guess that is how my decorating style emerged as relaxed traditional, sprinkled with some island influences.  I also try to illustrate that style in my blog where I enjoy writing about home improvement projects, decorating, beachy travel, recipes and life in the country with my family.  In addition, I post a weekly “Pupdate’ documenting the life of my precious golden retriever puppy named Rosie.

Here are a few of my favorite projects:

Bathroom Remodel –

A Simple Restyling –

Headboard Slipcover –


Going into this makeover with my 8 year old,

I wondered if we would ever come to an agreement.

The main goal of the room re-do was to get rid of the baby-look.

I had all kinds of grand plans.

I wanted the walls gray;

he wanted them darker blue.

I wanted a preppy/classic/vintage/Ralph Laurenish room;

he wanted “just stuff I like.”

So, after many paint tests,

and many return trips to stores and UPS,

we went from a slightly babyish room

to a cool big kid room.


From baby blue walls, red curtains and an airplane theme to…


A room for an 8 year old to love for many years!
(Please excuse the flash – I had no choice!)

As you can see,

he was very excited to start taking things down

on the morning the painters were coming.

(Don’t you love the mismatched pajamas?)

Sure, there are some babyish things I will miss…

The picture that was still on his wall
from when he was in his crib.

The brass lamp that belonged to me as a child.
(Now everything is brushed nickel in his room.)


The airplane prints.

The baby-ish things were replaced with:

more mature art….

updated curtains…

And he even gave most of his stuffed animals to his brother!
We used to keep them piled in this basket.

Now we use it for books instead.
Here are some different angles of the new room:

He kept his old train print.

Having the extra colors helps break up all the gray and blue.

I may still change the navy lampshade to something lighter.

It is definitely a darker room now.

As you can see,

we still need to hang some artwork or a map above the dresser.

I think it will help tone down the darker blue.

I took out the little brass lamp

and brought the brushed nickel one in from the old playroom.

I might change the shade though to something more decorative.

I may repaint the blue chair again.
The bright blue looks a little off in here.
We will also hang something above the desk…

Which he accessorized himself.

Of course he has this on top.

The Mets bear adds a little bit of orange to the room.

If the Empire State Building print seems a little high,
it’s because we normally keep his keyboard below it.
He practices every night before bed.
He had started playing it downstairs this past week
so we weren’t even sure it was going back in the room.
I think having it there helps remind him to practice though.
Someone in this family should know how to play an instrument!
So, now the room is done,
(well except some artwork,etc.).
I am happy for him

but sad that he is growing up so fast.

It seems like just yesterday there was a crib in that room!

But he loves the new look

and I was thrilled with his choices.
(Although I am still getting used to the darker color).

Even though the room looks nothing like my original vision,

I actually think it turned out better

because he helped me pick things

and it really is what hewanted.

And as I told you yesterday,

he even loved the chevron curtains!

So, I am excited to finally be able to share his room with you!


Check out these fun boy’s bedroom updates:



Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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    because he helped choose what makes him comfy..and happy!
    just wish i still had my little boy under foot..
    he’s 45..a surfer..who loves his cats..and lives on the beach!
    I’ll actually be in driving distance..
    well a day..
    better than 3 days!!!
    thanks for sharing..
    it is a beautiful room!!

  2. What a great boy’s room. Love the chevron curtains, and the paint color is fabulous too. Great job, Shelley!!

  3. I would love to know what paint color and brand was used. I absolutely love everything about the transformation. Great Job!

    1. Nicole, this was a guest post, the authors link is at the top of the page. (I am sure she would love to tell you the paint color if you hope over!) Thanks!

  4. Hi,
    Good job in this makeover! It’s beautiful. Can I ask you which paint color did you used for the walls?

    Thanks so much

    1. Joanna, this was a guest post so i can’t tell you the color but there is a link to the authors blog at the top of the article and she might be able to help you out! Good Luck!