Bowtie Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe

I told you the other day when I made the Pizza Pasta Recipe that I’ve been on the lookout for easy dinner recipes.    And while dinner with only one dish may seem a little boring, I have to admit, I like the ease of having veggies , grains and meat (if you are having meat) in one.  Then if you want to add a side like so fresh fruit or another veggie from the garden you can, but you really don’t have too!  

So, imagine haw happy I was when a month or so ago, my whole extended family got together and my lovely sister in law brought a simple pasta Caesar salad so tonight I thought I would make some for dinner and it turned out quite nice.  I added a few extra veggies just to power it up, but still it was ready in about 20 minutes and really good.

Bowtie Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe


Bowtie Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe

Serves 6-8  20 minutes prep and cook time

1 12oz Veggie Bowtie pasta, cooked according to package directions
1 bag Caesar salad mix (with dressing, croutons, and cheese)
1 medium cucumber cut in slices
1 medium green bell pepper (yellow or red would be pretty)
2 Roma tomatoes cut in wedges
1-2 12 ox cans chunk chicken breast (optional, you don’t have to add the meat!)
Brianne’s Asiago Caesar dressing
Parmesan cheese (shredded)








1 Start the water boiling for the pasta, and cook according to package directions.  

2.While the water is heating and the pasta is cooking, pour the bagged salad, and croutons into a large mixing bowl.  Set aside while you chop the cucumber, bell peppers and tomatoes then add them to  the salad bowl.  Drain the canned chicken and break down the largest chunks, add to the salad.  

3. Drain the pasta, I cooled mine down with some cooler water then re-drained it, after which I added it to the large mixing bowl.  Add the grated cheese and Caesar dressing to taste.  Toss all together and you are ready to eat dinner!

* This recipe is GREAT for potlucks or large gatherings!!!   And/or just a REALLY fast weeknight meal for your family!

Bowtie Chicken Caesar Salad Recipe-5


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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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