Blendtec Mango Margarita Ice Pops

Enjoy a cocktail and dessert in one with this refreshing frozen treat!

Blendtec Mango Margarita Ice Pops | #recipe #cooking #dessert #mango #margarita #frozen

Blendtec Mango Margarita Ice Pops

Blendtec Mango Margarita Ice Pops
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Foodieaholic
Serves: 4
  • ½ c mango yogurt
  • ¼ c ripe mango
  • 1½ oz orange juice
  • 3 tbsp lime juice
  • ½ tbsp agave nectar
  • 1½ oz tequila*
  • ½ oz triple sec*
  • berries or other fruit (optional)
  1. Add all ingredients but optional fruit to FourSide jar in order listed.
  2. Secure lid and select “Smoothie.”
  3. Pour mixture into ice pop molds, filling ¾ full.
  4. If desired, add optional fruit, dividing evenly among molds.
  5. Freeze ice pops until solid.
  6. *For an alcohol-free version, substitute 1½ ounces water for tequila and ¼ teaspoon orange extract for triple sec.

Blendtec Mango Margarita Ice Pops | #recipe #cooking #dessert #mango #margarita #frozen

We absolutely LOVE our Blendtec! Thanks to Blendtec for submitting this and other fabulous recipes, found below!

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