Fast Belgian Waffles Recipe

There is this amazing Belgian waffles and frites place in SLC called Bruges.   That is all they sell- fries with different amazing mayonnaises and amazing real life Belgian waffles with a bunch of topping options.  I LOVE IT!  Ever since we found it I try to ALWAYS stop by when I am in Salt Lake which is really not often enough.  

Since having them, I have been trying to find a real Belgian waffle recipe.  The problem is that real Belgian Waffles are made from a yeast recipe that takes a few hours with the whole raising the dough time, and I just don’t think about waffles that far in advance.   Also, every recipe I have seen says the are “light and fluffy” but the ones I love are more dense like a yeast dough version.  Not to mention the  Belgian Pearl Sugar  that are in the recipe that are not available locally that I can find (there is a store in SLC that I think carries them, but again that is far away), and online they cost a million bucks  for a tiny bag.

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With so many stumbling blocks in my way, it only made me want to find or create a recipe even more.  So instead of looking for Belgian waffle recipes that don’t resemble the original AT ALL, I decided to try a quick bread recipe and cook it in my waffle iron.  I decided to look for a sour cream based quick bread so it would be more dense.  Then I realized that I was out of sour cream, I sorta hate Murphy’s law…  So  I ended up completely altering the recipe but came out with a quick made, Belgian waffle that really closely resembles a yeast made version, try it I swear it is REALLY good.

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 Delicious Belgian Waffles Recipe (makes about  10 large, dense waffles)

1 1/2 cups White Whole Wheat
1 1/2 cups White flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp Cinnamon (optional, but highly recommended!!!)
1 cup softened butter (I accidentally melted mine, but it worked perfectly)
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 Tbsp Vanilla
1 cup Plain Greek Yogurt mixed with 1 tsp corn starch (substitute sour cream if desired)
1/2 package of Hershey’s cinnamon chips (optional)


In a large bowl combine the flour, wheat, baking powder, salt and cinnamon, blend with a whisk.

In a stand mixer mix the sugar and butter together till nice and fluffy.   Add one egg in at a time beating to combine between each addition of an egg.   Add the vanilla, combine, add the yogurt premixed with the cornstarch.  Stir till combined.  

Slowly add the flour to the mixer.  Don’t over mix, just till combined.  Add the 1/2 bag cinnamon chips.  

Cook on a hot waffle iron, I used a quick spray of olive oil before each waffle.  Times will vary, but even with our iron set on high to get it nice and crispy on the outside each waffle took about 5 minutes.

Top with desired toppings, we had a little Nutella, Whipped cream and fresh fruit!

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A few options for this recipe:  To give the idea of the sugar crystals that I didn’t’ have, I used Hershey’s Cinnamon Chips.  They melted and sorta crystallized and were a nice addition, these are optional.  I always order the cinnamon version that Bruges sells, so this is a cinnamon version, but you could easily omit the cinnamon, for a simple vanilla version.  I also lessened the sugar and used half whole wheat, I really can’t tell, so it is worth a try.

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 Let me know what you think!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. I love Bruges! I used to drive up to the SLC Farmer’s Market almost every weekend just to get my Liege waffle fix before he opened his store. But even better is the Waffle Love truck in Utah County! I don’t know where you are, but they park their truck all over the place (they post their locations on their website and on their FB page). They are often at the Park and Ride by Thanksgiving Point in Lehi and in the parking lot by RC Willey in Orem as well as many other locations. They have chocolate stuffed waffles that are soooooooooo good. But thanks for this recipe, I’m excited to try it!!

  2. I make the full, overnight, Belgian waffles, I get my sugar pearls at Gygi’s or from Amazon (make sure it’s the Belgian sugar pearls not the Swedish)