Bedroom Chair Makeover

contributed by Anna @ Take The Side Street
After months and months (going on a year, no joke) of sitting in all its old, floral-cushioned glory, I finally decided to do something about that chair I (sort of) risked my life to buy.

I have a reaaally small master bedroom. No room for a cute seating area or even a bench at the foot of the bed. I chose not to have a dresser in the room in order to create a bit more room for cuteness (my husband was not a fan of this decision — cuteness is not as high a priority for him apparently) so when I saw this chair I knew it would be a perfect fit for the itty bitty space.

I removed the gross floral fabric and the nasty old foam cushion that had hardened and then disintegrated over the years. It took a bit of work to remove all the glue and petrified foam residue, but I really wanted to re-use the original wooden seat since it had specific little nooks and crannies cut out of it to to fit around the arms of the chair. And I? Was not about to get all crazy with a jigsaw to finish this project.

 I used leftover foam and batting from the headboard I made for my guest bed:

I saved some money by finding a little piece of velvety fabric on the remnant table at a fabric store. Then I put the kiddos to bed, turned on a period romance movie, poured myself some red wine and a little snackable-sized bowl of chocolate chips, grabbed a staple gun and had myself a wild time.

Wow. Don’t look too close, k? I really have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to this (or really, most anything). See the little pleats on the rounded corners? Aww. They’re so cute.

I also painted the chair with Rustoleum’s Heirloom White spray paint. I know, eeeeverybody and their dog (or blog?) loves that color. So here I am jumping on the bandwagon — it’s a good color, people! It’s a really nice and creamy white. No pictures of that step though, ’cause I like to keep you guessing.

(Pretend I have baseboard in my bedroom, please. Baby steps to cuteness.)

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >What a beautiful makeover! The chair really pops with the new paint and the fabric is perfect!

  2. >Very nice! It's so fun to see something old turned into a gorgeous and usable piece! Thanks for sharing your project.

  3. >Looks great, I have limited space too. I know your paon, great idea. a girl always needs a place to sit and put on panty hose! I am looking for those curtains?????