Banana Crepes Recipe

We love pancakes at our house.  So it was no surprise to me that this recipe was such a hit.  I originally saw it on Pinterest, and now so many versions have popped up that I don’t know the original source.  But these (originally 2 ingredient) pancakes are amazing!  

When I originally made them, they were pretty thin, so they actually reminded me more of crepes.  But boy are these SUPER simple Banana Crepes SO amazing.  They make either a great breakfast or a fun little dessert, especially when you are on a diet.  For example, I can eat this whole recipe by myself for only 3-4 weight watchers plus points.  I wouldn’t, but I could. 

My kids ate these up so fast that last time I think we tripled the recipe!  Just so you know!

Banana crepes recipe

I have made them two ways  the just eggs version and the ground flax seed variation so I will include both options:

Banana Crepes Recipe (each recipe makes 4-5 small crepes)

1 ripe banana, mashed

1 egg (or 2 eggs, omit the flax & water mixture)

1 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed + 2 Tbsp Water
(mix together in small bowl, let sit 1 minutes before adding to crepe batter)

sprinkle of cinnamon to taste

sprinkle of baking powder (maybe 1/8 of a teaspoon)

1/4 tsp. Vanilla extract

 Olive oil spray for pan

Directions: Mix all ingredients together.  Cook until done on a griddle sprayed lightly with olive oil.  I like to substitute the flax mixture for one egg, like it is listed above  If you don’t like the flax, just use an additional egg.  You could try any spices that you desire.  Pumpkin pie spice would be fun in the fall, peanut butter to make them a little more filling…

Top with plain Greek yogurt mixed with a little bit of honey to taste.  Top that with fresh raspberries, or fruit of your choice!  Enjoy!

Banana crepes easy to make healthy breakfast

Also be sure to try these other great healthy recipes:
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. So I was really excited about these and tried them with the flaxseed meal. They mixed up fine and when I was cooking them and tried to flip them to the other side (all the bubbles on the top had popped like a normal crepe) and it wasn’t a solid piece. It just mushed all together. Do I need to try it with the 2nd egg instead of flaxseed or am I doing something wrong? The flavor was great and I was really excited. Just wondering what I might be doing wrong.

    1. Shoot Amanda, I am not sure what happened it worked for me. Did you premix the ground flax seed with the water so that it thickened up a little before adding it to the “dough”? (you did use at least 1 egg,right?) Let me know if you tried those things…

  2. Hi Cassie,
    I have a home day care and I’ve just made this recipe and all my children loved it!!!! Very easy and very tasty!!! Thanks!!!