9 Ways to Add New Life to an Old Space

Add New Life To An Old Space via Tipsaholic.com

Guests coming? Change of seasons making you antsy for some change indoors? Whatever the reason, it’s fun to change up a space! If you’re wanting to get the fresh look of a room makeover without the time commitment or budget, try one of these 9 simple ways to add new life to an old space.  (featured image via Better Homes and Gardens)

9 Simple and Easy Room Updates to Add New LIfe to an Old Space via Tipsaholic.com

1. Buy fresh flowers

If you haven’t tried this before, it’s time. Even the simplest $5 bundle of daisies on your way out of Walmart can brighten a room or two. Clean them up a bit, cut them down to size, and spread them around your home in vases, mason jars, old glassware, or even teacups.


2. A pop of color.

No, not a neutral. A pop of color. What speaks to you? A bold red? Vibrant purple? Blazing orange? Get a little crazy. Step outside your typical boundaries. Add it in via a piece of art, a throw, a pillow, or a stack of books in various shades.


3. Add in new patterns

You might think you’ve got enough going on with a couple of plain pillows on your sofa, but you’d be surprised what you can do with another set of patterns! Floral, polka dot, and daring geometric patterns can work together in a single space to take it from “meh” to “yeah!” For some tips and ideas, check out these articles from Remodelaholic and see great examples for mixing patterns in kids’ rooms and in the master bedroom.


4. Reflections

Strategically placed mirrors can add depth and height to a small space. If you don’t want to put holes in the wall, try angling one or two tall mirrors as they rest on the floor. A mirror placed across from a window will add depth and light to a room.


5. Create a focal point

Do you have a space that is a bit lack-luster? When you walk into a room, are your eyes drawn to a specific point, or do they wander from place to place? If they land on a single area, is it the area you want to be drawn to? Take control of the room by rearranging furniture, adding color, or bringing in something new.


6. Unpile the piles

Declutter, one step at a time. Give the piles of paper and lost things in your home a true place to call their own. If you need some inspiration, take tips from blogs like IHeart Organizing, Organizing Made Fun, and I’m An Organizing Junkie.


7. Give old accessories a new home

Have some of the items in your decorating arsenal been placed in one spot and remained there, perhaps for years? A clock, a painting, a favorite collection – any of theses things, when moved to a different space, can begin a transformation.


8. Make a statement at the front door

A bold pattern or print, a bright color, or some great art to greet your guests as they come into your home will surely become a conversation piece. Look for places you could add these things: a bench, an empty wall, a doorway, or something as simple as throwing a rug down.


9. Familiarity

What do you have, perhaps buried in a keepsake box, that is uniquely you? Old black and white family photos or a hand-written recipe from your mother add character when placed in a frame and displayed in the appropriate space. Fill your blank walls with things that mean something to you.


Kayla Lilly is a photographer, writer, wife, and mama making a house a home in eastern Idaho. She met her mister while working at an amusement park and married him a year later after deciding there was no way to live without him. The amusement has continued as they’ve added three kids and a passel of pets to their lives while finishing college and starting a photography business. Drawing inspiration from the whirlwinds of marriage, parenthood, and the media, Kayla blogs at www.utterlyineperienced.blogspot.com, and spends the rest of her time chasing chickens, organizing junk drawers, diapering toddlers, and photographing everyone willing to step in front of her lens.

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