A Few Favs for Christmas & a DAP Giveaway!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed!

I thought I would try my hand at making a
My favorite things list

For those of you who are looking for a gift, I’ve got a few ideas.
1. For Me!! Do any of you have one of those little hand held vacuums? I have had at least three…. I am not naming names but they kind of “suck” and not in a “good vacuum way”. Well, I finally got one that actually works! It is the Black and Decker Flex Mini Canister Vac. I AM TELLING YOU!!!, It is so awesome!

For example I have been walking past my dirty intake air vent, and thinking I really need to clean that, and walking right by.  Usually I have to go get my shop vac to be able reach the ceiling, not to mention get all the junk off, especially with the cat hair…. I know yuck, but I can’t help but love those little furry beasts!

So anyway, I tried my little Flex and it was perfectly clean, in about 1/2 a minute!! Then, I vacuumed the blades on my ceiling fans, then the window sills, my carpeted stairs, all beautiful… I LOVE IT!

Here it is:

My favorite features:
Dish-washable reusable filter!!!!
Really light weight

Has a great long and yet small hose for reaching
Perfect for cleaning out a car… speaking of, uh-em… moving on
Has some great suction, so it also works on carpet (i.e. stairs!!)

Check it out! I am totally in love with mine!

2.  For The Hubby or Tool Enthusiast… Justin has a huge wrench set, it weighs about 300 lbs and is in a box the size of China!  Well, I found the best tool for him, it is a 16 in one wrench, all in one single tool.  It is so cool.  Now, instead of lugging the huge box upstairs to take apart the bed cause I want him to move it…. He can just bring one piece!  I am going to have to come up with another project so he can use this baby more! 

This would be a great little USEFUL gift!  Especially if you have projects coming up!  Here is a picture of it.
It is also the Black and Decker Ready Wrench.

Just don’t tell my husband…..
3. For little girls… (squeal of delight!)… A handmade TUTU!!!  I ordered this from my friend’s new store, FairyBerry Tutus which is just adorable.  And the prices are FABULOUS!  (I actually asked her to become a sponsor, cause they are so cute: so check out her link)  I am getting Etta a  FestiveBerry Flame Tutu.  I hope she likes to dress up as much as her mother…**Although I don’t think she’ll have much of an option, to not like it at least a year or two more!
4. For Little Boys… Is your son into sports, trains, cars… you name it.  Wouldn’t it be fun to get him a clock for his room (this is coming from an interior designer, so it sounds super exciting to me!!) 

The Big Clock Store  has great ideas for clocks and may even be able to work with an image you have.  I mention them because I truly love their clocks.  About 3 years ago we gave our friend’s sons a basketball clock, and I have loved their store ever since.  They are another company I sought out to be sponsors and they have been great!

(And maybe one for the not so little boy)
5.For The House… I don’t know about you, but I love scented candles.  Probably cause it smells like I am making something fabulous (yeah, I go for the pastry/bakery scents!)  But there are problems with candles.  First of all they can make a mess, soot and junk (not to mention lead wicks)!  Secondly, my little cats like to see what they are and singe off their whiskers.  And finally the fact that they are a fire hazard. 
So, this year, I am eagerly awaiting an order to arrive that I made from my Scentsy lady, her name is Alicia, check out the site.   These things are so cool.  They are little wax warmers that have no wicks, or flame.  You plug them in and a little bulb heats the wax to perfume the air!  So excited!  My warmer looks like this:
But here is a look at some other cute options:

OH!  And in case you are wondering I am ordering Sticky Cinnamon Bun! YUMMY!
6.  For the tummy…I want to let you  in on a secret… (I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!)  Okay, so maybe that is not such a great secret.  But, it is a truth.  And about a year ago I found a hot cocoa that I just adore!  And it is cheap! (I just googled for a picture of it and found out is a consumer reports best buy!)
Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Sensations
With some whipped cream on top! 
(and if you are daring, you will throw in two of the next item for some minty freshness… UMMM)
This is an actual picture of our Sunday night treat…
7. For the fun of it…I was at the store and I purchased an impulse item.  I know, how did I let that happen?  Well you see, again, it was chocolate and well… Try them for yourself, they are great. 
Here is how to add more calories to this scrumptious treat?  I made some brownies in my mini cupcake pan and put them on top after baking.  I also threw them into the bottom of the hot chocolate cup and stirred while they melted!  Delish!
8.  For The Budget… A FREE PRODUCT!! The other day, I walked by our back door and felt a huge draft… and the heater was running…  I realized it was time to do some weatherizing!  And we found the best product for filling holes and gaps.  Many of you know there is a foam product out there that will expand to fill holes, but what you may not know is that if you get ANY of it on your skin it seriously doesn’t come off, till that whole patch of skin is gone, and well I kind of like my skin. 
Well, we found a filler by Dap that is water soluble!  Let me get a Hallelujah!  It doesn’t over expand all over the place too!  We also added some caulk around our back door, which seems to have a leak, we’ll be checking how it does.
These are the products we used.
…and because we want to share the love we are hosting
another giveaway
of these three DAP products:
Here is an explanation of the products;
DAPtex® Plus – An easy to use foam insulation sealant for cracks between ½” to 2” in diameter.
Unlike some foams, it is water clean up, toolable and will not overexpand
DAP® 3.0™ Advanced All-Purpose Sealant – Formulated with Kwik Dry® Technology,
DAP 3.0 is ready for water exposure in just 3 hours, versus the 24 hours some brands require.
It is ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications.
DAP® Dynaflex 230® – A premium latex sealant that is both waterproof and paintable –
it’s perfect for general applications, such as sealing around windows, doors, molding, siding and trim.
It can be used indoors and outdoors and is water clean up.
Here are the rules:
  1. First you must become a public Follower of this blog (this is required to enter, if you already are a follower move to step two)


  2. Leave a comment on this post.  The giveaway will be open from now until Tuesday, December 22th 11:59 pm central standard time!


  3. Lastly check back here on Wednesday December 23rd for the winner ( to be announced in a new post. (If I have your return email address I will reply to you as well, if not, I will be relying on you to get back here!!!)


Please only one entry per follower, if you want to tweet about it with a link to this blog, you may have a second entry, just make sure you mention that you tweeted the giveaway on your second comment!

Open to residents of the continental United States only!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Well, the giveaway ended last night and I have a winner. 
This was a close race since we had very few comments, too bad for y’all, but great for the winner!
Who is number 10?
her blog is The Molino Family
Congrats Anne!  I will be contacting you soon!
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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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  1. >When are you going to give away that black and decker vacuum? That thing looks cool. I must admit, our Oreck hand held is nice, and it does suck in a good way, but it's not cordless. I always thought that woudl be so cool. How long does the charge last…or has it worked so well you still don't know:)

    Cool stuff

  2. >Hmm…Ditto to Matt's comment. But I really have a few breezy spaces in our doorways that could use some of this delightful stuff. Send it our way Cas!

  3. >A giveaway on your blog, of course I'm in! So I got brave and started spray painting the bookshelves yesterday and it went better than I thought. Only one more coat and they should be good to go. My 4 yr old gave me a good laugh yesterday as I was making dinner and said, "We put 2 jackets on that furniture, mommy." It made my day and I hope he loves his new "jacketed" bookshelf that will be in his room soon!

  4. >This sounds like a good giveaway for me… we were just trying to decide what to use to stop cold air leaking around doors and windows! I'm a newbie, so I'll have to check these out! 🙂