6 DIY Projects for Renters

Tipsaholic - 6 DIY projects for rentersAre you loving all the DIY projects you find on Pinterest and blogs but bummed that you live in a rental and not your own house? Don’t let being a renter stop you from being the best DIY-er you can be! Here are six DIY projects for renters to try. All of these DIY projects for renters are also budget-friendly and won’t take up too much time or sweat.

1. Put up shelves

As a renter, you might not be allowed to make too many holes in your walls or you’d rather not have to patch up 30 holes when you move out. That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a whole bunch of art on your walls! Just put up a couple of shelves, which will require only a few holes in your wall, and then fill them with your favorite artwork, vases, frames, and anything else you want to display.

2. Paint furniture

Maybe you can’t paint your walls, but you sure can paint your furniture! Look for thrifted wooden furniture, such as mismatched kitchen chairs, and paint them in your favorite color to make the space uniquely yours. There’s no limits to this one and you can take it with you when you move.

3. Grow herbs at home

Dreaming of a garden but don’t have a backyard? Get a couple of terra cotta pots and plant a herb in each pot. You could paint each pot with chalkboard paint and label them with chalk.

4. Paint your own art

Another great way to add color and personality to your rental is to take some time to create your DIY art. You can find large pieces of stretched canvas at great prices at stores such as Michael’s and Hobby Lobby — just be on the look out for 50% sales. Use any paint you have on hand and go to town. Abstract art can be beautiful, so just have fun and don’t worry too much. And remember, you can always start all over again with a coat of primer if you don’t like your results.

5. Decorate with fabric

Fabric is another great way to decorate a rental space. You could DIY pillows with your favorite fabric and recover a bench with a complimentary fabric. Stuck with vertical blinds for your sliding door? Cover it up with DIY curtains using geometric fabric. Bored with your built-in shelves in your dining room? Line the shelves with removable fabric using rubber cement. The decorating possibilities with fabric are endless!

6. Turn washi tape into wallpaper

Washi tape comes in many different colors and patterns and you can find them on Etsy. The tape is very similar to masking tape, so it can go on your walls easily and should not cause damage. Decide on a pattern, do some measuring and then tape away — you’ll end up with a wall that looks like it’s been wallpapered without the effort and permanence! Jenny from Little Green Notebook used pretty aqua tape to make a diamond pattern in her entry. And here are 27 more ideas of how to decorate with washi tape.

Just because you rent doesn’t mean that you can’t decorate! Try one of these DIY projects for renters and make your rental a more homey place to live in. What other DIY projects for renters have you tried recently?

If you’re new to the world of DIY, read about the 10 tools you need to have!

6 DIY Projects for Renters - Tipsaholic.com


Feature image via Painted Furniture Online

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I’m Elisa and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two little girls. I used to teach reading and writing, but now I stay at home with my two kiddos and read and write in my spare time. I also love to undertake DIY projects, find new recipes on Pinterest, and dream about someday finally completing our home. Above all, I love to learn about new things and sharing my new-found knowledge with others.

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