5 Quick House Cleaning Tips

Keeping a house clean is no easy feat!  Especially with little kiddos running a muck.  Today I am sharing 5 tips for keeping your house clean.  Doable easy things that will make a huge difference in the overall look of your home.

quick house cleaning tips

5 Quick House Cleaning Tips

1. Set A Timer:  By giving yourself a time limit cleaning doesn’t seem to drag on and on.   Take 15 minutes and put out of place things in their homes.  Stick to the timer, don’t dawdle.  Fast cleaning can do wonders in your home fast.  And you may find yourself wanting to continue when the timer dings.  *this is good with small children for shorter periods of time to make the job a game, as Mary P. babysitter extraordinaire would suggest.


2. Focus on the Floor:  Instead of getting so caught up not to mention overwhelmed with every surface.  Focus on the floor.   Pick all items off the floor and put those items in their homes (and not just on a table top nearby!)  You will be amazed by how much quickly there is an improvement in your space.


3. Wipe It Up!  Wipe up spills on the table, or floor before they dry! Instead of a lot of elbow grease that a dried up mess will take, by wiping it up while it is wet the job’s a breeze and your table surface will be clean in no time.  (If you wait for that food to dry and you are in for some major scrubbing!)


4. Think Easy Storage: For items that are constantly being used, a purse, keys or coats, for example, keep them out in the open. Make them a home that has easy access in a drop off location too.  If you keep your purse upstairs, chances are your purse will be dropped off somewhere along the way and lost when you start looking for it.  If you have a centralized easy to drop off location, chances are it will makes it’s way home before you even think about it  Then next time you need your keys they will be in their home, within easy reach, and you will be on your way without a hitch.

5. Opt Out: Mail and random papers have a way of taking over our life.  Opt out of anything you can to save time and keep your life organized.  Examples of what you can opt out of: snail mail, phone calls, emails  For paper mail opt out go here or other opt out options, go here.


Don’t forget to share your house cleaning tips with us too!

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Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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Cleaning Binder & Custom Cleaning Calendar

This 18-page editable cleaning binder printable pack will help you establish a cleaning schedule based on the custom tasks you actually need for your home. From the spring cleaning checklist to everyday cleaning recipes, this printable set is great for kick-starting a cleaning routine and staying on task with annual and semi-annual tasks, too.

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