30" Clock Giveaway, It’s that time again!

This Giveaway Is Closed!

I am sure you are all smart enough to figure out what I was giving away from this morning’s inspiration post.

You guessed it, a big clock!
From my wonderful sponsor THE BIG CLOCK STORE!

They have graciously given the go ahead for another giveaway.  This giveaway is AWESOME (in my humble, but rather loud opinion).  I hope you are excited about it.  The winner will receive:

A 30″CLOCK of your choice. 
(worth up to $100 or $100 credit only toward the purchase of a larger clock)
The greatest part about The Big Clock Store is 
the option to customize your clock:
You can pick colors to match your decor
Put your family name on it, (this is great for wedding gifts!!!)
Do you need a themed clock, design one to match your room.
You could provide a large format family picture to print on there.
The options for what is already made are endless.  Here are just a few:
 See anything interesting?  I hope so!
The giveaway will be 
open until Monday, March 29th at 11:59 PM 
central standard time.

Giveaway RULES and Requirements!!!

Open to anyone in the continental US.

1. First you must be a Public Follower of this blog, located on my sidebar. This is required to enter in any way(ONE ENTRY)

Ways to enter:
1. Go to The Big Clock Store and look around.  Copy the url (web address starts with https://) of an item you like.  Paste it into your comment, so I can see that you stopped by and looked around.  (ONE ENTRY)

Additional Ways to Enter:
2. “Stumble” a tutorial from my blog, or a remodeling post with a thumbs up and a review.  Simply find a tutorial (LINKS ABOVE) you like and click the stumble button at the bottom of that post.  You may have to create a stumble account if you do not have one.  The button,  looks like this:(3 ENTRIES for stumbling a post, not the giveaway! State which Tutorial or Remodel you stumbled in your comment, leave two extra comments that say stumble 2, stumble 3, does that make sense?) 

3. Grab my button for your sidebar or add my blog to your blog reading lists, and put a link to your blog in the comment stating what you did. (ONE ENTRY FOR EACH)

4. Tweet or Link this giveaway.  You can click the button at the bottom of the post to Link or “tweet this”.  Leave a second comment stating that you tweeted or linked the post, and copy the url of the tweet or link into your comment. (ONE ENTRY FOR EACH)

5. Write a quick post with a link to the giveaway and an image from this post on your personal blog and leave a comment with the link to your blog’s post.  (3 ENTRIES, put a link into the comment, and leave two extra comments)

You may enter/comment up to 12 times, if you follow all the steps, WOW! Once as just a follower, once for checking out The Big Clock Store, once for a re-tweet, once for a link, 3 times for a blog post,  once for posting my button, once for adding my link on your blog lists and 3 times for Stumbling. Phew! I think that about covers it.

If you comment more than the allotted amount and do not have the links, those comments will be disqualified. SORRY!! Open to anyone in the continental US!

Finally, check back here on Wednesday, march 31st  for the winner. If I have your return email address I will reply to you as well, if not, I will be relying on you to get back here!!! If I have not heard back from you within 2 days I will redraw a winner.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: remodelaholic at gmail dot com.

Thanks!  GOOD LUCK!

Website | + posts

Cassity Kmetzsch started Remodelaholic after graduating from Utah State University with a degree in Interior Design. Remodelaholic is the place to share her love for knocking out walls, and building everything back up again to not only add function but beauty to her home. Together with her husband Justin, they have remodeled 6 homes and are working on a seventh. She is a mother of four amazing girls. Making a house a home is her favorite hobby.

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