3 Tips to Keep Paperwork Organized During a Move

3 Tips to keep paperwork organized during a move - Tipsaholic.org

3 Tips to keep paperwork organized during a move

Moving often involves a large amount of documents, records and paperwork. It can be difficult to keep it all from becoming too chaotic. One easy way to keep it all together is to put it all in an accordion file. Then you will have a handy place to store everything, and won’t be hunting through boxes when you quickly need something. Here are tips to help you get the most use out of the accordion file and keep the papers organized.

1. Label the Tabs

Label the tabs for each section of the file, so the documents will be easy to find if you need to retrieve them again. Color coding the tabs with one color for papers related to the new house, and a different color for those involving the old house will help to keep it all organized.


2. Include All Needed Documents

Be sure to include space in the accordion file for other paperwork such as:


Legal documents

Of course you will need to add to the file any legal documents or contracts involved in selling, buying or renting your home.


Transcripts, report cards or grade sheets for your children

This may be need for school registration. Also, keep vaccination records here in case that is requested.


Medical information

Include any previous medical or dental records that would need to be given to a doctor in your new area.


Identification for each family member

Important documents such as social security cards, birth certificates, or passports could easily be misplaced during a move. By keeping them in the accordion file, you will easily know where to find them if needed.


Inventory list for your new home

Most moving companies provide you with an inventory list of all items that are being moved to your new home. Or make your own, so nothing gets left behind. Sketch an outline of where the furniture will be placed in the new space. It will speed up the process on moving day, if this is all kept handy in the file.


Address list

As soon as you know you are going to move, start jotting down a list of those you need to notify of your change in address. You can even start a paper, to keep in the file, where you tape the return addresses torn off the envelopes of mail you receive.


3. Make It Pretty

Now that everything is organized in the accordion file, it’s fun to personalize it. For example you can add to the front a picture showing a good memory in your current home or tape onto it a map showing where your new home will be.


By keeping everything in one accordion file, you can avoid misplacing an important document, and you will have all papers you need organized in one place.


Photo Source: Better Homes and Gardens


I’m Frances. I am a mother, a wife, and a community volunteer. I work as a scientist by day and moonlight as a blogger. Making lists helps me keep everything on track. While I have a good life, there is always room for improvement. Join me as I decorate, organize, and try new things over at my blog Improvement List.

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  1. Great tips! I live out of a suitcase more than not and important papers are always the worst to deal with.
    I’m LOVING the fileBox in the photo, any idea where to buy one or a tutorial on how to make one?
    Love your blog!